
Self-isolating ? Stop the trendy terms


‘Here we are – week two of our new, enforced life of not going out. Personally, I don’t have a problem with staying home, I’ve done it before. Nearly nine months when I was having chemothera­py for breast cancer. Three weeks, when I looked like I’d been beaten up and left for dead after my facelift. And not forgetting those three long and arduous weeks in the Big Brother house. I didn’t only cope, I quite enjoyed it.

But it’s different this time, because I’m being ‘ordered’ by our Prime Minister to do it, which I seem to be hating with every fibre of my being as, like most, Brits, I love my freedom. Our ancestors fought hard for it.

That said, I can deal with the authoritar­ian diktats better than I can handle the relentless use, by literally EVERYONE, of all the new CV-related buzzwords. Do they make the whole thing more credible, or real? Not for me, because I feel like none of it is, which is why I categorica­lly refuse to use ANY of them.

So, I’m not ‘social distancing’, I’m just being my usual anti-social self. I’m also ‘staying in’ as opposed to ‘self-isolating’, and I’m not ‘stockpilin­g’, I’m shopping for stuff I need, with maybe a bit extra before there’s nothing left – thanks to the greedy animals buying 10 times more than they can possibly eat, or use, in three weeks.

And as for ‘lockdown’, what’s the difference between being ‘locked down’ or ‘locked up’? Not much, from where I’m sitting!

All I’m saying is, in these ‘extraordin­ary and unpreceden­ted times’, give it a rest, please, and ‘stay safe’, because hey, ‘we’re all in this together’!

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