
Back to my OLD SELF!

When Amarjeet Kaur was put on steroids, she piled on 3st. But with a few swaps, she’s the same weight as in her 20s…


Slipping on my trainers, I headed out to the garden. We may have been in lockdown because of the Coronaviru­s, but that was no excuse not to exercise. Inspired by all of the people I’d seen on the news, running marathons and climbing mountains in their outside space, I’d decided to go for it too.

Yes, I may not have been quite that fit to start with, but as I huffed and puffed my way around the grass, I was so proud of myself.

Just 18 months ago, I could never have dreamed of running.

But now my body was in better shape than it had been in decades and was up to the challenge!

When I married my husband Bhubhinder, now 48, in April 1998, I was 24 and a slim size 10.

But after I had our children – Harvi, 21, and Kiran, 19 – like a lot of women, I never quite lost my baby weight. Instead, my body had settled at a size 16. Bigger than I had been but not huge for my 5ft 6in frame.

I worked in a supermarke­t and that meant I was constantly on my feet, so I was active and healthy.

But in April 2018, I became unwell. I started getting breathless after just a few steps and simple things like putting on my clothes after a shower left me wheezing. I tried to carry on as normal but soon, it became impossible and in June, I ended up in A&E.

Doctors there prescribed me steroids and referred me to Glenfield Hospital, near my home in Leicester, which specialise­d in respirator­y problems.

Immediatel­y, I was admitted and put on a drip. It was terrifying. Tests showed my airways were inflamed but doctors were unsure why. I didn’t smoke, and there was no history of asthma in my family. Luckily, inhalers seemed to help and after two and a half weeks, I was eventually well enough to be discharged.

But that didn’t mean I was better – not by a long stretch. I was signed off work and even when I was allowed back in November, it was for only two hours a day – and that was tough.

And by then, I had to admit, my weight wasn’t helping either.

Since I’d fallen ill, I’d put on a whopping 3st and, having long grown out of my size 16 clothes, I was now a size 22. Now I was struggling with my breathing and my body.

I was only 45. Life shouldn’t be this difficult.

I’d tried eating healthily at home but after weeks of my weight not shifting, I knew I needed help, so I decided to join my local Slimming World group.

My first class was on 21 March 2019 and I can’t tell you how scared I was going into the room – or how far my heart fell when I weighed in at 16st 13lbs.

But it was hard to remain devastated in a room full of such positive people. The consultant was upbeat and the other members were nodding encouragin­gly. One lady was 94!

I realised there was no limits to shedding stones to get healthy. It was possible. By the time I got home, I couldn’t wait to get started.

Looking at the plan, I was pleased to see it didn’t involve cutting out foods completely – it was just about finding healthy alternativ­es and moderating portion sizes. Something I’d never been very good at.

So I started swapping my huge plate of my favourite

Indian curry with chapatis and rice, for a smaller portion and I’d fill up my plate with salad. I also have a sweet tooth and can’t resist cheesecake, so when I found a recipe using quark and all-bran for the base, I was delighted.

Within a week, I’d lost 6lbs. In a month – a stone!

That was when I started walking, too.

At first, I could only manage 15 minutes, but I worked up slowly to half an hour, then 40 minutes…

I loved feeling my body growing slimmer and stronger. Finally, my breathing felt under control and I was growing more confident.

Regular customers walked straight passed me or did a double take – they couldn’t believe it was me.

By October 2019, I’d made my original target and hit 12st. Everyone in the class applauded and I couldn’t stop laughing with delight.

But I decided to keep going – to the weight I was when I got married.

By that point, I knew I could do it.

When the Coronaviru­s hit and lockdown was imposed in March this year, I was terrified

I’d go back to my old eating habits – especially as I had to shield because of my breathing problems and couldn’t leave the house.

But, after seeing elderly people on the news doing lengths of their garden, I decided to follow suit.

I downloaded the Couch to 5k programme and started following it – and it turned out, I loved it!

Now 47, I run 5k three times a week and am so full of energy.

By the end of May, I was 9st 12lbs and a size 10. My family were so proud.

‘I’ll have to start following it too, to keep up,’ laughed Bhubhinder.

Kiran had already persuaded me to set up an Instagram account in January, to share my recipes and get tips from others but now she gives me clothes advice, suggesting skinny jeans, bright yellow and green blouses.

I’d never have had the confidence to wear such bold colours before, but now I don’t mind standing out.

Rather than feeling like a new woman, I finally feel like I’m back to my old self – a young woman in her prime.

And there’s no better feeling!

 ??  ?? Health problems and time off work saw Amarjeet put on weight
Health problems and time off work saw Amarjeet put on weight
 ??  ?? She’d never lost the pounds gained from having two children
She’d never lost the pounds gained from having two children
 ??  ?? Now Amarjeet is back to the size she was in 1998! Now 9st 12lbs
Now Amarjeet is back to the size she was in 1998! Now 9st 12lbs
 ??  ?? She runs a 5k three times a week
She runs a 5k three times a week

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