

With Squirrel Appreciati­on Day this week, get the lowdown on the rare, red kind from The Wildlife Trusts


Why are red squirrels so rare?

The total UK population of red squirrels is thought to be as low as 140,000. Grey squirrels were introduced from North America, but they out-competed the red kind and can transmit a fatal disease to them, lowering their numbers.

Where can you find red squirrels?

More than three-quarters of red squirrels in the UK can be found in Scotland. While most of the rest are in small areas of North England, Wales and Northern Ireland (visit wildlifetr­ for a list of nature reserves, but please abide by current government restrictio­ns on travelling and check your local nature reserves are open).

Red squirrels are shy, so early morning is a good time to spot them. Look up at tree branches. If on the ground you spot nibbled pine cones and nut shells, it could be a sign that they’ve been foraging.

Should I feed squirrels?

If you have grey squirrels in your garden, don’t put food out for, or try to attract, red squirrels as it’s risky for them to be in contact with the greys. If you live near a main road, a red squirrel could risk being run over trying to reach your offerings, so it could be better to let them forage naturally.

If none of the above apply, you can feed red squirrels throughout the year. Food we offer is an addition to their diet and isn’t there to replace their natural food. Don’t put food out daily, this can create a dependency. Nuts are a firm favourite, you can leave them in their shells – hazelnuts, sweet chestnuts, pine nuts and sunflower seeds. Check that peanuts are aflatoxin-free, and don’t

only offer peanuts, as on their own they can lead to calcium deficiency. Remove any uneaten food before you top up a feeder.

What about our pets?

If you have a cat, put a bell on its collar as its sound allows squirrels to get away before they’re chased. As for dogs, if you take them to a nature reserve, check that they’re allowed and if they are, keep them on a lead, under control.

 ??  ?? For more informatio­n on red squirrels, visit wildlife
For more informatio­n on red squirrels, visit wildlife

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