
I changed my life in a year – make this yours!

Sarah Wolf’s weight had started to impact her confidence but it was some stark words from a doctor led to a happier, healthier life…


Opening my eyes on New Year’s Day, I felt awful. I’d been out the night before with friends to ring in the New Year while my daughter, Bella, was staying with her dad.

But this wasn’t a hangover. I had terrible heart palpitatio­ns, felt clammy and sick. I spent the next two days in bed before heading back to my PR job. But my heart was still beating incredibly fast…

‘I think you should go to see your doctor,’ my colleague suggested and I knew it was the right thing to do.

when i arrived at the surgery, I had my blood pressure checked and it was through the roof. ‘You’re fat,’ the doctor bluntly told me. ‘ What are you going to do about it?’

They were harsh words, and I left the surgery sobbing, but she was right I was overweight, frustrated and making myself ill! While I’d previously been the life and soul of any party, I’d started to become a shrinking violet. I didn’t want people to look at me, judge me or notice my weight. I was always in black baggy clothes to try to hide my frame, had avoided a few social engagement­s, and never went to the beach or water parks with Bella because I was so big.

I was scared of dealing with the problem and didn’t know where to start. I even searched gastric band surgery online, but I couldn’t make excuses any longer. I needed to lose the weight sensibly and in a way that I would be able to maintain it.

So, the following day – on 5 January 2016 – I joined my local Slimming World group in Frome, Somerset, and was petrified that I’d fail to lose weight.

At a size 22, and weighing in at 19st 10lbs, I was shocked at the numbers on the scales. I hadn’t weighed myself for years and my weight gain had been gradual.

I’d always been quite tall and well-built, but not fat. I ate healthy school dinners, didn’t snack much and was a keen horse-rider and rounders player.

But food was to be enjoyed and when I went to university, I was 5ft 6in and a size 14, before discoverin­g beer and kebabs! My course lasted four years and, during that time, I piled on 4st. I was happy and most people saw me as a jolly, fat lady – which I was.

I met my soon-to-be husband at university, and we thought nothing of polishing off a large pizza each in the evening, drinking and eating with mates and enjoying food together.

When we wed in 2000, I managed to lose 2st, but the diet quickly went out the window once we settled into married life. I’d never been interested in clothes and grabbed food on the go with my job. But by 2004, we’d decided to move from London to Somerset and I was desperate to join the police force.

I started cooking healthy meals, upped my exercise regime and, thankfully, managed to pass all the preliminar­y fitness tests. I was 13st then, but started to feel unwell. It was then that I discovered I was pregnant! We were so excited.

Thoughts of joining the police were put aside when Bella arrived in February 2005. Being a mum was fun, challengin­g and scary. I made sure Bella ate well, but I wasn’t so careful with myself…

I snatched food as and when I could, and would tuck into crisps and biscuits in the evening when Bella was asleep.

Two years later, my husband and I separated. We focused on Bella, were amicable and coparented really well. But when Bella was staying with her dad, I had to find something to fill

the loneliness – which was huge portions of food and the odd beer. I had a sweet tooth too, and thought of food as fun, not fuel…

As the years progressed, so did my waistline. By 2014, I could no longer buy high street clothes and had to seek out specialist shops for my size-20 frame. I also volunteere­d occasional­ly as a steward at Glastonbur­y alongside my day job. Once, I heard a group of lads say: ‘If you pushed her over, she wouldn’t be able to get back up.’ I was mortified.

I’d started to feel uncomforta­ble on the train during my commute too – like I was taking up too much space, or I was in the way. I shied away from taking Bella to the beach or trips to London in case people stared at me, and I didn’t like eating in public as I thought people would judge me.

I didn’t know where to start with losing weight, but after making myself ill, there was no turning back. I wanted to watch Bella grow up, and I wanted to be back to my jolly but not fat self.

Thankfully, with the support of Slimming World, I quickly learned about Food Optimising, making sensible meal choices and cooking from scratch. I never went hungry and, apart from giving up alcohol, I never missed out on anything.

In my first month I lost 9lbs and within six months, I’d shed 4st. I felt much more like me. The Slimming World group became my sanctuary; and the people became my friends. I learnt to appreciate things about myself that I hadn’t when I was overweight, like my personalit­y and bubbliness.

By January 2017, I was 12st and a size 12. ‘ You’ve done brilliantl­y, Mum!’ Bella, now 15, said, and she always had to remind me to pick up clothes in my correct size. I still couldn’t believe I’d got to my goal. My blood pressure was back to normal, and I started going to the gym to do CrossFit as well as packing in lots of walking.

Since then, I’ve maintained my healthy eating and lifestyle. I still love food, I just understand it better. I’ve even got a new partner too. My confidence shines through and now, at 46, I’m jolly, slim, me!

‘I didn’t go hungry or miss out on anything’

 ??  ?? Sarah ‘s weight ate away at her confidence...
Sarah, before her weight loss, with her sister, Katy
Sarah ‘s weight ate away at her confidence... Sarah, before her weight loss, with her sister, Katy
 ??  ??
 ??  ?? ...Now her new-found happiness shines through Now 12st
...Now her new-found happiness shines through Now 12st
 ??  ?? Now Sarah’s in peak form
Now Sarah’s in peak form

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