
Three in a bed… and one of them’s dead!

What would you do if your (dead) mother-in-law visited your bedroom?


Nobody wants three people in their marriage, least of all when the third wheel is your mother-in-law. Even less so when your motherin-law has passed away.

But that’s exactly what Jane Drew has to cope with on a daily basis. She’s married to profession­al psychic David Drew, who insists he is in regular contact with the dead.

Jane and David met back in 1984 in Blackpool, when Jane, now 57, attended one of David’s shows. A year later, they were married.

Of course, Jane already suspected David’s work meant there might be some unusual goings-on in the marital home…

Her first experience of the spirit world was in the early days of their relationsh­ip. ‘Sitting in the lounge, watching TV, David shouted something – I can’t remember the remark now – something jokey to one of his spirit helpers and all the knives and forks in the drawer in the kitchen started rattling,’ Jane told Holly Willoughby and Phillip Schofield in a recent interview on This Morning.

‘That’s when I thought, “oh hello, this is going to be quite a ride. I’m going to stick with this guy”.’

The couple, who live in Llandudno, North Wales, explained that spiritual presences show themselves more when we are relaxed, so they are often visited just as they fall asleep or are about to wake up.

It led Holly and Phil to ask what happened if the couple were getting intimate and were visited by spiritual strangers – or people they knew.

Jane confessed that they are often visited by her motherin-law, Joan, who passed away in 1979. Although Jane can’t see her, she’ll sit on the end of the bed and bounce a couple of times to make herself known. ‘It can be a bit of a mood killer,’ Jane admits. ‘Just like if you went into your son’s room and caught him in a personal circumstan­ce, you’d be the first one to turn around and get out of there. It’s exactly the same if someone’s in spirit, you don’t want to be there any more than they want you there, so they just step back, as if stepping into a curtain – like into a different dimension – and think this is something for a different time.’ Jane’s mother,

Mary – who passed away in 2019, aged 89 – also visits from time to time, but the couple find it comforting.

When talking about their experience­s, David said: ‘She comes to visit from time to time but when we lose someone, we lose the physical person. We can grieve the loved one, but if we have the knowledge they are living on in the other world, that’s nice to know.’

David says he became aware of his psychic abilities aged two or three, when visited by spirits in the night. His mother thought he was talking to imaginary friends at first. He says his abilities are a gift and should be used to help others.

Even so… most of us would prefer our mother-in-laws to step out of the bedroom! Jane has written a book about her experience, entitled The Psychic’s Wife: Lifting the Veil.

 ??  ?? David and Jane Drew’s life is filled with the dead
David and Jane Drew’s life is filled with the dead
 ??  ?? Joan’s spirit visits the couple – even in the bedroom
Joan’s spirit visits the couple – even in the bedroom

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