
Saira Khan


Former LooseWoman Saira Khan, who stepped away to focus on her skincare range (one our editor loves), opens up on life, love and why she feels people are ‘ way too sensitive’ these days…

Since she burst on to our screens as a contestant in the first series of The Apprentice, Saira Khan has certainly made her presence felt. She may be just 5ft 1in, but this little ‘pocket rocket’ has been a Loose Woman, a columnist, a TV presenter and now a skincare specialist. But the best thing (we think!) about Saira is she’s never shy about coming forward and speaking her mind. Married to husband Steve Hyde and mum to Zac, 12, and Amara, 10 (the daughter she adopted at just a few days old from Pakistan), we caught up with the feisty 51-yearold, to talk about love in lockdown, staying in shape and why we all need to stop being so offended…

Hi Saira, tell us about The Big Lunch, which you’re an ambassador of?

Happy to! It’s a great idea – a neighbourh­ood and communitie­s initiative. We want people to get their neighbours together for a tea party or a barbecue – a lunch – on the 5 or 6 June, which is the official date, but whenever suits you. It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you get together with your community and get to know each other better.

The timing couldn’t be better, really…

Exactly. I know people are worried about social distancing, hugs, wearing masks! We have all got used to being stuck inside, but it’s time to come out and get together.

Has lockdown changed you?

I have 100 per changed my lifestyle. I’m not shopping in-store anymore, I’m not going to the gym. I’ve been working out at home for a year, so why would I pay £80 a month?! I haven’t gone to the pub, and why would I? Now, I just have my mates around to sit and drink in my garden! It’s not that I’m worried about the virus, I’ve just… learned to life differentl­y. Life’s less stressful. I have my skincare range (, but overall, I have more time.

Loneliness has been an issue for some in the last year…

Oh yes, I get that it’s been very hard and that there’s also ‘re-entry’ anxiety. No doubt, Covid has brought out the bad side in some – all that curtaintwi­tching and huffing and puffing from the unofficial Covid ‘police’.

Was having the kids at home difficult?

I was very lucky, my kids go to a really good school, set up really well with Zoom lessons, etc. But it was stressful. One minute, my kitchen was an art gallery, the next it was a science lab. I was pulling my hair out by the end. If I’m honest, I couldn’t wait to get them out the door and back to school. I love my kids, but I don’t want them 24 hours a day, wrapped round my ankles.

And what about your hubby Steve?

Lockdown split a lot of couples up but was really good for us. Sometimes, little things you do together make you fall in love again. We’ve grown really close. For most of the second lockdown, my leg was in a cast as I had ankle surgery, so Steve was doing the cooking, the cleaning, running his business, doing the homeschool­ing and he just got on with it. It reminded me why I married him.

What did you do to your leg?

I broke a fibula last year doing some filming and now I have a metal plate. It is healing, but it’s not quite right yet. I can’t wear heels!

Has it affected your fitness routine?

Well, I wasn’t going to let being in plaster stop me completely. But I haven’t been able to run since last October, and I did do 5k a day. So, I bought a bike, instead. But I did get very down. It made me realise that when people have an injury, you have to be a bit more empathic.

You do look great though…

When you get to 50, you have to accept you can’t get away with what you did when you were younger. And for me, as I am only 5ft 1in, weight does show! The one change I made was going sugarfree. I cut out cakes, biscuits and chocolate. The results, even in a few weeks, were amazing. I’ve got more energy, I am sleeping better, I’ve lost fat around my belly. I admit, I am a sugar-addict. It’s like alcohol addiction. If I know chocolate’s in the house, I’ll scurry around till I find it, and when

I do, I will eat the whole lot.

You’re straight-talking – it’s got you into trouble in the past…

We’re living in a word at the moment where everyone is too sensitive. I agree with Piers Morgan, we do have a cancel culture here. For me, racism is a huge issue, but not every white person is a racist. I’ve been more held back in this country by the misogyny from the Asian community than I ever have by white racism. The biggest threat to any misogynist­ic community is an independen­t, self-assured woman. They don’t want it. But I am not going to stop being it.

Have we really seen the last of you on Loose Women?

Yes, I’m definitely not going back. Loose Women is a great platform, but I’ve had my platform. People will start going, ‘There she is, talking about herself again’ and they’re right. I’ve told my stories, let’s get new people on there. I do want a non-binary person, a trans person, a lesbian – I want to hear their stories. That’s how you help change people’s outlook.

Do you have any regrets?

None at all. I think, look forward, not back. I am happy with my life. I’m not one of those people who’s like ‘This is my life on Instagram, then there’s my real life.’ I can’t be anything but real!

Saira is supporting the UK get-together The Big Lunch, on 5-6 June. Go to thebiglunc­ for more.

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 ??  ?? Saira grew closer to hubby Steve during lockdown
But she’s glad her kids are back at school
Saira grew closer to hubby Steve during lockdown But she’s glad her kids are back at school
 ??  ?? Saira with her former Loose Women colleagues
Saira with her former Loose Women colleagues
 ?? N a h k a ir a s m a i / m a r g a t s n I ?? Supporting The Big Lunch
N a h k a ir a s m a i / m a r g a t s n I Supporting The Big Lunch
 ??  ?? Saira looks great at 50
Saira looks great at 50

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