



So, apparently, if they make sugarladen food more expensive, we’ll all get thinner. Well, probably not, if you are worth a few quid, because you can still afford it, but the idea is to make sweet treats less appealing to the average family. I can see the logic – but that’s missing the whole deception in this. If we are literally being sold addictive poison – why are we the consumers, we the customers, being penalised for it and not the poison-peddlers? I’m talking about the people who make these sweet snacks with ingredient­s more addictive than crack cocaine? Yet again with sugar taxes, why is this your fault or my fault ? We only buy what’s in the shops. It’s the food manufactur­ers who should be paying a higher price, higher taxes and taking on a higher responsibi­lity. So somebody please tell me how the food lobby became so powerful that they turned their problem into our problem. There must be food sweeteners that are natural, more healthy and not addictive?

Instead, once again, it’s our fault in making bad choices. Well, you tell me, in this fast-paced, fast food, family-sized grab bag world of Deliveroo, processed food, KFC, pizza and burger ads where the good choices are. Forgive me if I’ve missed all those ads for apples and celery sticks. As consumers, we are already the victims in this. Enough is simply not being done to deter the companies who are encouragin­g our foods to be a poison, and not a medicine.

RUTH: Have you never heard of personal responsibi­lity, dear husband? If you want to stop being poisoned, as you put it, take a cookery course and learn to eat yourself healthy. P.S. Abstinence may also be something to think about!

‘Why aren’t poison-peddlers being penalised?’ Eamonn

 ??  ?? Sweet treats are readily available
Sweet treats are readily available

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