
I saved over £3K & shed six stone!

Gemma Montague was uncomforta­ble with her weight, but some stark words encouraged her to make some muchneeded changes…


Standing in front of the mirror in my third outfit choice that evening, I felt disgusted at the reflection staring back. None of my clothes looked good on me and I felt selfconsci­ous. My husband, Gary, and I were due to meet pals for drinks, but I didn’t want to get stared at.

‘Do we have to go?’ I asked. ‘You look lovely,’ Gary said, always knowing the right thing to say. And even at a size 20, I knew he loved me, but I’d always struggled with my weight.

As a kid, Mum had cooked healthy, balanced meals, but in my teens I’d got a paper round and spent the money I earned on pick’n’mix sweets in Woolworths at the weekends. Soon, I was bigger than most of my mates.

I’d met Gary in the park when I was 13 and, friends first, we’d become an item when I was 16 and a size 12. Two years later, I’d fallen pregnant with our daughter, Ellie, now 20, and piled on 3st. Our son, Alfie, arrived two years later. I loved being a mum, but any self-care went out the window.

I’d grab food as and when I could and, as the kids grew, I’d finish what was on their plates – as well as eating dinner with Gary. I hated waste and loved big portions. I could easily demolish a packet of biscuits.

Over the next few years I tried every diet going. I’d lose weight, then lose my mojo – and gain the pounds back.

The only thing that seemed to work for me was Slimming World. I’d lose a few stone; think I could do it alone and the weight would creep back on.

We desperatel­y wanted a third child but struggled to conceive. Yet after losing 2st, our son, Jake, was born in 2012. Life was hectic, but happy. I went back to my job in retail and we’d have takeaways a few times a week or freezer food. Quick and easy meals to feed our growing family.

But in 2014, my lovely dad was diagnosed with cancer and dementia. It was an incredibly tough time – and the start of my emotional eating. Biscuits, ice cream, fast food… it didn’t matter what it was. I visited all the time but slowly, my weight became a problem.

I suffered with backache, bulging discs and sweated a lot. I barely did any exercise, was tired and seemed to be spending more and more money on takeaways.

By 2019, Dad was in a care home and I’d treat myself to a snack on the way to visit him, and cake while I chatted to him.

Then, in December that year, he suffered a devastatin­g stroke.

By his bedside, I was in bits. ‘I don’t understand how this happened,’ I said.

‘He did a lot of damage to himself in his younger years,’ a nurse said, referring to his overeating and drinking, which we’d told them about.

‘You’re a mum, and you’re overweight, you don’t want your kids to go through this, too, do you?’ she asked. I was shocked, but it really made me think. I would protect my children at all costs and never wanted them to go through this, too.

‘I’m joining Slimming World,’ I told Gary that evening and he said he’d do it with me.

So, in January 2020, weighing 16st 4lbs and a size 20, I went to my first meeting. I was nervous, but determined to get fit and healthy for my kids – and save money from all the takeaways.

I planned our meals, started cooking from scratch with lean meats, protein and ate loads of fruit and veg. ‘This is delicious,’ Gary and the kids said when I whipped up pasta bake and burger and chips dinners – all Slimming World-friendly!

In my first week, I lost 7lbs and within a month I’d lost 1st. It really spurred me on. Lockdown began soon after so I joined meetings via Zoom and I’d go to Dad’s care home and wave at him through the window.

Gary and I started going for evening walks together and as I got fitter and trimmer, we even did the Couch to 5K. And by October 2020, I was down to 10st 7lbs and a size 8-10.

‘You look great, Mum,’ the kids said. And I felt it too. My back no longer hurt, I didn’t sweat as much and loved getting dressed up for a night out when restrictio­ns allowed. Gary had lost over 4st, too!

Sadly, Dad passed away in August 2021. I was utterly bereft and missed him terribly. Before, I would have eaten my way through grief, but I stayed on plan, which would’ve made Dad proud. And as the cost of living crisis progressed, people said it was difficult to eat healthily on a budget but we’d batch cook and plan carefully so there was little waste. I worked out I’d saved a whopping £3,500 through giving up fast food!

Losing weight had left me with saggy boobs though and, having worked so hard to get fit, I was deeply unhappy with my chest. I discussed it with Gary, now 40, at length and with his support, I had an augmentati­on – I was thrilled with the results!

Then, in May this year, I needed further surgery after suffering terrible back spasms and paralysis down my left side. Doctors eventually diagnosed Cauda Equina Syndrome – a rare condition that causes the nerves in the lower back to compress. In order to save my legs, they needed to decompress my spine. It was terrifying and I’m still being treated for physio at Stoke Mandeville hospital away from my home in Kent.

Now, at 38, I’m walking with a stick for the time being and can’t run, but sticking to plan has helped me maintain my weight loss. I couldn’t be happier with how far I’ve come.

 ?? ?? Gemma had no energy…
Gemma had no energy…
 ?? ?? …now she feels fit and fab!
…now she feels fit and fab!
 ?? ?? Picture perfect: Gemma with hubby Gary and kids Alfie, Jake and Ellie
Picture perfect: Gemma with hubby Gary and kids Alfie, Jake and Ellie

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