
Pets do the funniest things!

We all adore our furry, feathered or just faithful friends, but sometimes, we get a little more than we bargained for…


‘Make mine a double?’ LOUISE BULGIN, 41, BEST’S FEATURE’S ED, LONDON

There’s no doubt that our cheeky little puppy, Riggins, has ruled our household since we got him in November 2021. Part spaniel, he loves long walks and chasing plastic bottles – but most of all, he loves things he’s not allowed. You can guarantee, on a walk, he’ll sniff out a chicken bone until we have to wrestle it out of his mouth.

He gets away with mischief because he’s so cute, great company, enjoys a tummy rub and always looks at me with those big brown eyes…

We do need to watch him all the time, though, and that became even more apparent last year, one bank holiday weekend. We’d had friends round for lunch, finishing off the afternoon by sitting on the sofa with a few glasses of Baileys. Riggins, of course, was with us, too.

But we’d left our drinks on the coffee table while briefly showing our guests our tiny garden. We took Riggins for a brief walk, but when we got home he started doing zoomies. ‘Calm down!’ I shouted but he went on until finally conking out on the sofa…

It was a few hours later that he woke up, wobbling and swaying. ‘He looks drunk,’ I said to my husband, Danny. It was quite sad seeing him so unlike his usual, sprightly self. It was then that we realised there was nothing left in the Baileys glasses… Riggins must have drunk it while we were in the garden. Rushing him to the emergency vet, our poor pup, now 18 months old, was given activated charcoal. We felt so guilty. Thankfully, he made a full recovery and didn’t seem too hungover . But all drinks are now kept up high and away from our nosy little boy’s nose!

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Louise keeps an eye on the cunning hound
Riggins after one of his heavy nights! Louise keeps an eye on the cunning hound
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