
?!) teenage crushes ‘I put emulsion on my face to look like him’



The object of my early teenage affection, for a while at least, was Adam Ant. I was still sharing a bedroom with my younger brother and thought nothing of having an almost life-sized poster of Adam Ant in his Prince Charming outfit above my bunk bed. I also kept pictures of him – mainly from Smash Hits magazine – in a scrapbook and hid it under my pillow.

Life as a teenager in the Eighties for me meant watching Top of the Pops and taping the Top 40 music charts onto a cassette each week. I remember the first time I saw him – the fashion, the makeup, the feathers, and the lyrics to Goody Two Shoes

had me hooked.

My favourite song was Prince Charming

– I learnt the dance from the video, and I loved his costume changes. He talked on Saturday morning TV about doing his own stunts – I thought he was such a legend!

The white stripe across his nose was iconic and he explained it was a declaratio­n of arms against a music industry he felt had largely ignored him. I thought it was great he was standing up for what he believed in.

I even copied it once with white paint – only to be sent home from school to wash it off. I don’t think my parents were pleased!

When the band split up, I was sad but back then you just moved onto the next big thing and for me it was Duran Duran, as well as Michael Praed, the dashing Robin of Loxley in TV series, Robin of Sherwood.

If I’m honest, looking back now, I’m not sure what I actually saw in Adam Ant, but I still like the music once in a while!

 ?? ?? This bold look caught many eyes back then
This bold look caught many eyes back then
 ?? ?? Michelle was quick to move on
Michelle was quick to move on

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