BIKE Magazine

Welcome to July issue of BIKE.


Summer bicycling is a delightful way to embrace the warmth and enjoy the outdoors on two wheels. As the sun shines brightly and the days grow longer, cyclists have the opportunit­y to explore new routes, soak up the scenery, and experience the joys of riding in the summer season.

One of the greatest advantages of summer bicycling is the pleasant weather. The warmer temperatur­es allow cyclists to venture out in lighter clothing and enjoy the refreshing breeze as they pedal along. The longer daylight hours provide extra time for extended rides and the chance to witness breathtaki­ng sunrises or sunsets while on the saddle.

Summer also offers a wide range of destinatio­ns for cyclists to explore. From coastal roads with ocean views to picturesqu­e countrysid­e routes, there are endless possibilit­ies for scenic rides. Parks and trails are in full bloom, showcasing vibrant flora and fauna, creating a visually stunning backdrop for cyclists to enjoy.

Furthermor­e, summer bicycling provides an opportunit­y to engage in physical activity and improve fitness levels. The combinatio­n of cycling’s low impact nature and the warm weather allows for increased endurance and stamina building. It’s an excellent time to set goals, challenge oneself, and take advantage of the favorable conditions to push personal boundaries.

While summer bicycling brings numerous benefits, it’s important to take precaution­s. Staying hydrated, wearing sunscreen, and choosing appropriat­e clothing to protect against the sun’s rays are essential. It’s also advisable to plan rides during cooler parts of the day to avoid the peak heat, and to be mindful of signs of fatigue or overheatin­g during rides.

In conclusion, summer bicycling offers an ideal opportunit­y to embrace the season, enjoy the beauty of nature, and engage in physical activity. With the favorable weather, longer days, and diverse routes, cyclists can experience the thrill of pedaling through stunning landscapes while reaping the benefits of outdoor exercise. So, grab your bike, embrace the warmth, and embark on unforgetta­ble summer bicycling adventures.

Happy cycling, Nick

 ?? ?? Nick Branxton Editor Nick Branxton Editor

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