Solutions not problems


Reading your piece with MCIA boss, Tony Campbell (Bike, October), I don’t know what alarmed me more, the depressing free fall in new bike sales or Mr Campbell’s views on how he intends to stop the rot. I remember growing up in the ’60s and ’70s when motorbikes were everywhere! From Fonda and Hopper to Barry Sheene with a girl on his arm and a Benson in his mouth. Biking was sexy, dangerous, anti-establishm­ent and cool. There was even a bloke on kids’ TV favourite Follyfoot who rode a Tiger Cub with apehangers to work. Mr Campbell, you can persuade a few city commuters out of their Chelsea Tractors and on to electric bicycles if you want, but get some cool geyser to roll up in Albert Square on a Street Triple, Marc Marquez on a sofa with Johnathan Ross and Sons of Anarchy on ITV on a Saturday night and them tills will start ringing again!

Mark de Bank, email

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