Bird Watching (UK)



SKOMER HIGHLIGHTS: Record numbers of Yellow-browed Warblers passed through, maximum four. There was the island’s third Long-tailed Duck (20th), Pallas’s Warbler (27th) and Serin (26th).

OTHER MIGRANTS: There was a Red-throated Diver (20th), Great Northern Divers (9th & 16th) and Sooty Shearwater (16th). Little Egrets were recorded (11th & 26th). Maxima included two Greylags, Barnacle Goose, Shelduck, Wigeon, 41 Teal, 10 Shovelers, 56 Common Scoters, three Golden Plovers, two Lapwings, Purple Sandpiper, Jack Snipe, 13 Snipe, Woodcock, 25 Curlews, 38 Turnstones, 42 Med Gulls, 90 Black-headed Gulls, five Common Gulls, 35 Kittiwakes, and Arctic Tern. There were five Red Kites, Marsh Harriers on eight dates, two Hen Harriers, two Merlins, a Hobby and nine Short-eared Owls. There were two Wrynecks (2nd) and one (6th). Maxima included 640 Sky Larks, three Sand Martins, 470 Swallows, 29 House Martins, two Tree Pipits, Blue-headed Wagtail, seven Grey Wagtails, two Black-redstarts, Redstart, four Whinchats, 19 Stonechats and six Wheatears. There were four Ring Ouzels, 53 Blackbirds, 12 Fieldfares, 31 Song Thrushes, 81 Redwings and Mistle Thrush. Warbler maxima were 20 Blackcaps, 41 Chiffchaff­s, Willow Warbler, 31 Goldcrests and five Firecrests. There were three Spotted Flycatcher­s, Pied Flycatcher, four Coal Tits and five Blue Tits. There were two House Sparrows, three Bramblings, eight Siskins, 80 Goldfinche­s, 167 Linnets, and Bullfinch. Lapland Buntings were seen twice and a Snow Bunting flew over. Reed Buntings peaked at 20. Ed Stubbings

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