Bird Watching (UK)



HIGHLIGHTS: The Western Swamphen remained at Alkborough Flats. Donna Nook logged putative Stejneger’s Siberian Stonechats (6th-10th & 14th-16th), a Red-flanked Bluetail (10th-16th), two Radde’s Warblers (15th), three Pallas’s Warblers (7th-16th), a Little Bunting (4th), Rose-coloured Starling (7th-13th), Eastern Black Redstart (26th-28th), two Red-breasted Flycatcher­s (5th-6th), an Arctic Redpoll (12th) and Northern Bullfinche­s (24th-25th & 29th). Another Siberian Stonechat was at North Cotes (23rd). A Lesser Yellowlegs was at East Butterwick (6th-9th). ALKBOROUGH FLATS: There were 440 Wigeon, 2,700 Teal, 52 Shovelers, 52 Whooper Swans, 20 Pintails, a Garganey, 264 Snipe, two Jack Snipe, 24 Grey Plovers, 21 Spotted Redshanks, a Little Stint, 36 Ruff, an abietinus-race Chiffchaff, Bittern, Red Kite, Yellow-browed Warbler, Crossbill, six Stonechats and a Water Pipit. BARTON: There were 200 Wigeon, 20 Pintails, 71 Shovelers, a Red-crested Pochard, Scaup, Long-tailed Duck, Goosander, 46 Snipe, two Sand Martins, 50 Blackbirds and a Whitethroa­t. DONNA NOOK-PYES HALL: Highlights included six tundra Bean Geese, 63 Whitefront­s, 666 dark-bellied and one pale-bellied Brent Geese, 43 Whooper Swans, 600 Teal, three Eiders, 10 Sooty Shearwater­s, three Pomarine Skuas, Hobby, two Hen Harriers, Rough-legged Buzzard, Whimbrel, four Woodcocks, three Short-eared Owls, two Great Grey Shrikes, two Waxwings and 16 Shore Larks. There was a Cetti’s Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, 40 Yellow-browed Warblers, 40 Blackcaps, four Firecrests, 180 Goldcrests, five Ring Ouzels, 450 Fieldfares, 500 Redwings, two Black Redstarts, five Redstarts, three Whinchats, 63 Bramblings, 12 Mealy Redpolls, 28 Twite, a Hawfinch, 180 Reed Buntings, two Lapland Buntings and two Snow Buntings. OTHER SITES: A tundra Bean Goose and 500 Teal were in Bonby Carrs (28th-31st). North Killinghol­me Haven (5th) logged six dark-bellied Brent Geese, 36 Common Scoters, a Leach’s Petrel, three Long-tailed Skuas, a

Pomarine Skua and Great Skua. A flock of 10,000 Golden Plovers was at Read’s Island (30th-31st), with 5,000 at North Cotes. Some 6,000 Black-tailed Godwits were at North Killinghol­me (5th). There were 26 Shore Larks at Theddletho­rpe (23rd-28th). Graham Catley with Steve Lorand

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