Bird Watching (UK)



HIGHLIGHTS: An American Golden Plover was on Hatfield Moors (1st). A Pallid Harrier was at Potteric Carr (14th). Two Yellow-browed Warblers were at North Anston Pit Top (4th), with singles at Broomhill New Park (8th), Potteric Carr (8th-18th), Hatfield Moors (11th) and a Fishlake garden (15th). OLD MOOR: A Wood Sandpiper was present (1st-16th). Stonechats peaked at three and Bearded Tits at 14. There was a Great White Egret (8th-12th & 31st). Flyovers included two Rock Pipits (13th), Hawfinch (16th) and four Crossbills (20th). A Great Grey Shrike was at Broomhill Flash (21st). A Long-eared Owl was in a Broomhill garden (20th). Two Ravens flew over Broomhill (29th). Twenty Common Scoters were on Broomhill Flash (31st). Over 5,000 Starlings roosted at Old Moor. OTHER SITES: Stonechats included two at Blacker Hill (1st), three at Adwick Washland (1st), one at Bolstersto­ne (1st) and six at Ewden Cabin (3rd). Short-eared Owls were at Ingbirchwo­rth (7th) and Adwick (10th). Hen Harriers were at Ewden Height/low Moor (9th, 23rd & 25th). Four Cranes flew over Silverwood Lagoons (8th), with four over Hatfield Moors and Potteric Carr (15th). Twelve Bearded Tits were at Potteric Carr. Two Whinchats were at Broadstone Reservoir (12th). A late Tree Pipit was over Harden Quarries (16th). Orgreave (16th) had eight Common Scoters and two Twite. Two Bitterns were at Carlton Marsh (from 9th). A Red-breasted Merganser was at Royd Moor/ingbirchwo­rth/scout Dyke (19th-29th). A Great White Egret was at Potteric Carr (18th) and Adwick (22nd). Two Waxwings were at Rivelin Rocks (24th). A White-fronted Goose was at Edderthorp­e Flash (25th-31st). A Snow Bunting was at Broomhead Moor (28th-31st). Sixty Bramblings were at Ingbirchwo­rth (31st). Nigel Smith (nigelsmith­

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