Bird Watching (UK)



ABERDEEN: Med Gulls were at Girdleness (5th) and off Beach Boulevard (10th). A Jack Snipe was at Nigg Bay (6th-7th), with a tundra Bean Goose there (17th). A Great Grey Shrike was at Girdleness (14th), with an Isabelline Shrike there (17th-20th). A Pallas’s Warbler was on Kings Links (16th). A Lapland Bunting was on Scotstown Moor (17th). A Pied Wheatear was at Donmouth (30th). FORVIE SANDS: A Red-backed Shrike was seen (3rd). Migrants (6th) included a Yellow-browed Warbler, Ring Ouzel, Redstart, Lesser Whitethroa­t, Woodcock, Whinchat, two Merlins and lots of Goldcrests. There was a Black Tern and Radde’s Warbler at Collieston (8th). A Bean Goose, two Long-tailed Ducks and a Merlin were at Meikle Loch (29th). LOCH OF STRATHBEG: Five Bearded Tits were seen (9th). Migrants (15th) included six Lapland Buntings. A Pectoral Sandpiper and two Spotted Redshanks were seen (15th), with an American Wigeon and Slavonian Grebe on the Loch (16th). The first Waxwing was noted (20th). Three tundra Bean Geese were on the Loch (22nd). A Snow Goose and White-fronted Goose were with the Pinkfeet (28th). OTHER SITES: There was an influx of Yellow-browed Warblers at the beginning of the month. A Corn Crake was at Blackdog (3rd). A Med Gull was at Stonehaven (5th). A Lapland Bunting was at Troup Head (7th), with a Richard’s Pipit (29th). There was a Pacific Golden Plover at Rattray (9th), with a Hoopoe (15th) and Black Redstart (21st). Loch of Skene (13th) held a late Garganey, two Slavonian Grebes and five Scaup. A Red-breasted Flycatcher was at Newton Hill (16th). A Pallas’s Warbler was at Stonehaven (16th). Several Northern-race Long-tailed Tits were at Boddhan (from 16th). A Black Redstart was at Murcar Golf Course (17th). Barred Warblers were in Newtonhill gardens (20th-27th) and at Balmedie CP (25th). A Great White Egret was at St Cyrus (22nd). Six Snow Buntings were at Fraserburg­h Beach (29th). Mike Chandler

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