Bird Watching (UK)



1 Depending on where you park, walk towards the castle and turn left onto the straight lane. Check out the fields towards the castle for waders, duck and raptors. 2 Once inside the mixture of willows, Hawthorn and planted species walk slowly for views of migrants hunting insects or berries after a long migration. 3 More open areas are found closer to the end of the lane so check the fields for migrating owls, waders in the fields and raptors sitting on the walls. 4 Once away from the lane check the individual bushes for migrants and even roosting owls. Check the dunes for ‘downed’ pipits, thrushes, buntings and warblers. 5 Once you have managed to make your way to the coast, these shallow waters can have migrant geese or ducks. Follow the cost looking for downed migrants or even in coming thrushes or larks.

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