Bird Watching (UK)




While the


Dowticher continued its long residence at Frampton Marsh RSPB, Lincolnshi­re, elsewhere in the county, an Eastern Subalpine Warbler appeared at Gibraltar Point NNR (30th). A Subalpine Warbler (of unknown species/subspecies) was seen two days previously on Holy Island, Northumber­land.


HIGHLIGHTS: The Long-billed Dowitcher remained for yet another month at Frampton Marsh along with a brief Temminck’s Stint (23rd). A Red-rumped Swallow was reported from Far Ings (17th-19th). One Cattle Egret was seen at Deeping Lakes (from 19th). An Eastern Subalpine Warbler was trapped and ringed at Gibraltar Point (29th) and remained until the following morning. Also on the 29th was a flyover White Stork at Marston, a male Channel Yellow Wagtail at Covenham Reservoir and a Hoopoe in a private garden in Grimsby. A Black Kite was flying south at Marshchape­l (21st) and a Richard’s Pipit was at Alkborough Flats on the same day.

GIBRALTAR POINT: Highlights from the site included one pale-bellied Brent Goose, Hooded Crow, two Bearded Tits (1st), Long-eared Owl (3rd), up to three Firecrests (4th), Water Pipit (6th & 12th), Yellow-legged Gull (7th), Osprey (9th), up to three Ring Ouzels (10th), Black Redstart (10th-11th) with another (19th), Redstart (13th-17th), Spotted Redshank (13th-27th), Spoonbill (15th-27th), Glaucous Gull (16th & 19th), up to two Great Egret (from 16th), Wood Larks (17-20th), Tree Pipits (from 18th), two Cranes flying south (19th), up to three Garganey (22nd-25th), two Pied Flycatcher­s (22nd), and a Wood Sandpiper (25th).

FRAMPTON MARSH: Highlights included a Little Gull (1st), Hen Harrier (last seen 13th), Water Pipit (to 17th), Jack Snipe (11th), a Crane near the visitor centre (11th-12th), up to three Garganey (from 12th), Arctic Tern (14th & 18th), Short-eared Owl (21st-22nd), Curlew Sandpiper (25th), and a Turtle Dove (from 27th). A Wood Sandpiper was also present (from 30th into May).

OTHER SITES: Garganeys were recorded at three other sites during the month, with one at Cleethorpe­s Country Park (27th), two at Deeping Lakes (1st-3rd) and three at Alkborough Flats (17th). Also at Alkborough was a Great Egret (17th) and multiple Spoonbills. Three Great Egrets were seen at Huttoft Pit along with two Whinchat (20th). Great Egrets were also present at Kirkby GP (3rd), and Waters Edge (4th). Far Ings held a male Ring Ouzel (25th), whilst Ring Ouzels were also reported from Woodhall Spa, Barrow Haven, Kirkby Moor, Tetney Lock, with another three at Donna Nook. A Red-necked Grebe was at Barton-upon Humber (3rd).

Josh Hedley


BERWICK: A Ring-necked Parakeet was at Ord CP (5th). The first Swallow was at West Ord (7th). Five Sandwich Terns were at Saltpan Rocks, Cocklawbur­n (9th). A House Martin flew north at Cocklawbur­n Pond (11th). Thirty-two Redwings flew north at East Ord (12th). A Garden Warbler sang at Middle Ord Pond (21st). There were 86 Common Scoters at Cocklawbur­n (22nd). A Sedge Warbler sang at Spittal (23rd). Two Whimbrel flew north at New Water Heugh (25th). There were around 340 Kittiwakes washing and in the gull roost at Calot Shad, Tweed Estuary (25th). A Whitethroa­t was at Toddles Shiel (27th). Two Shovelers were on Middle Ord Pond (28th). A pair of Goldeneye were at New Water Heugh (30th). There were 116 Redshanks in a high-tide roost at Coxon Tower, Tweed Estuary (2nd). Around 160 Gannets an hour went north at Saltpan Rocks, Cocklawbur­n (9th). Forty Common Scoters were at Meadow Haven (28th).

Malcolm Hutcheson (www.berwickwil­dlifegroup.


HIGHLIGHTS: An Alpine Swift was at Flamboroug­h (27th-28th).

BLACKTOFT SANDS: Highlights for the month were two Garganeys, two Cranes (14th), a Spoonbill (from 5th) and a Montagu’s Harrier (30th).

FLAMBOROUG­H: There were two Firecrests (2nd), two Hooded Crows (3rd), a Mandarin (7th), a Long-eared Owl and six Hooded Crows (18th), a Goshawk (19th-22nd), Blue-headed Wagtail (21st), and a Cetti’s Warbler plus Nightingal­e (22nd).

HORNSEA MERE: There was a Hooded Crow (19th), Great White Egret (26th) and four Little Egrets.

SPURN: A Little Bunting was in an Easington garden (30th). A Crane flew south (4th). The Black Brant remained until mid-month, usually on the Humber but also visiting Kilnsea Wetlands. Two Great White Egrets passed through (17th). Spoonbills were seen several times. Two Garganeys were at Holderness Field (from 9th). A Goshawk was over Kilnsea and Easington (8th); there are few previous Spurn area records.

Several Hen Harriers and Red Kites passed through, with Black Kites (16th & 27th). The first Common Tern was seen (5th) and Little Tern (22nd), when 133 Arctic Terns flew out of the Humber. There was a notable movement of 376 Curlews and 345 Bar-tailed Godwits mid-month, with 510 Grey Plovers on the Humber, several Jack Snipe, a Spotted Redshank, Wood Sandpiper and flyby Dotterel.

Migrants included 32 Willow Warblers, four Ring Ouzels and several Black Redstarts, Redstarts, Pied Flycatcher­s and Firecrests. Hawfinches passed through (2nd and 13th). The two Shore Larks remained at Easington Lagoons until mid-month.

OTHER SITES: Two Black-necked Grebes were at Southfield Reservoir (2nd). A Hawfinch was at Holmpton (8th), with a Water Pipit there (20th). A Firecrest was at Tophill Low (11th), with an Osprey there (26th). Two Garganeys were at Welton Water (7th) and another at Tophill Low (9th). A Glaucous Gull was at Melton (11th-12th), with a Hooded Crow there (9th). A Great White Egret was at Leven Carrs (16th), with two Cranes overhead (22nd).

Four Hooded Crows were at Grimston (18th). Bempton had two Cranes (19th) and a Firecrest (20th). Six Mediterran­ean Gulls were at North Cave Wetlands. Three Black-necked Grebes were at Southfield Reservoir (20th). A Great White Egret flew over Swinefleet (22nd). Three Dotterel were in the Stone Creek area (20th), with four near Sunk Island (25th) and two at Patrington (26th).

Ian Marshall (01482 627 446) and John Hewitt (07952 293 060)


BRADFORD: A female Black Redstart at Oxenhope (6th), a Great Grey Shrike at Sandwith Moor (11th) and a Bar-tailed Godwit seen at Leeshaw (24th) were all excellent April birds.

A single Waxwing was at Tong Park (2nd), Bramblings were at Baildon (6th) and St Ives (7th), Tree Pipits were seen at Stainburn (11th) and Norwood Edge (21st) and a Black-tailed Godwit was at Leeshaw (25th). Two Yellow Wagtails were at Glovershaw (26th), an Arctic Tern flew over Leeshaw (28th) and a Whimbrel was over Scargill Reservoir (28th).

A Lesser Whitethroa­t at Hollins Hall (29th) and three Little Ringed Plovers at Fly Flatts (30th) rounded off the month. Returning summer migrants included a Grasshoppe­r Warbler at Glovershaw (24th), a Cuckoo heard at Storiths (24th) and two Wood Warblers at Strid Woods (25th), along with several Pied Flycatcher­s and Redstarts.

The first Swift was reported at Apperley Bridge (29th). Ring Ouzels were reported from many locations across the area all month with the highest counts being four at Hazelwood Moor (2nd). Good numbers of migrating Wheatears were also seen all month, the highest counts being nine at Glovershaw (5th) and 16 along Trough Lane (5th).

LOWER AIRE VALLEY: The long-staying tundra Bean Goose finally departed (29th). An Egyptian Goose made a fleeting visit at Astley Lake (27th) and a male Red-crested Pochard dropped in (5th, 8th, 21st & 23rd). A female Common Scoter was on the Main Lake (7th). An Osprey passed over on (26th).

There were up to 24 Black-tailed Godwits on the Ridge and Furrow area for a couple of weeks and up to four Ruffs in the same period. A Grey Plover (16th) was joined by another (17th) with a Bar-tailed Godwit (23rd-29th) and a Wood Sandpiper (25th-26th). There were nine Little Gulls over the Main Lake (16th). A male Ring Ouzel was in Swillingto­n Park (14th-17th). A Blueheaded or Channel Wagtail was with Yellow Wagtails (21st).

Chris King – Bradford Ornitholog­ical Group, Paul Morris

 ??  ?? Black Brant (centre), Spurn, East Yorkshire, 15 April
Black Brant (centre), Spurn, East Yorkshire, 15 April
 ??  ?? Black Redstart, Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, April
Black Redstart, Kilnsea, East Yorkshire, April
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