Bird Watching (UK)

Your Questions

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The bird in the image above appeared at my garden feeding station on an afternoon in January. My initial thought was that it was a Tree Sparrow, a species that I have never seen and one that is very rare down in Devon, and to my knowledge with no confirmed records in the village of South Brent where I live. It does not have the Tree Sparrow’s black face patch and has an extensive bib which should negate it being a Tree Sparrow.

I posted the image on various forums and checked my Collins guide, the bird does match the image and descriptio­n given in Collins for an Italian Sparrow, one of which turned up in East Devon a few years ago and this bird appears almost identical to the images that I have seen of that bird, major difference being that the East Devon bird had a black beak, but I suspect that is simply down to it being in breeding condition.

Steve Hopper


Your bird looks to have the suite of features of Italian Sparrow. However, that answer is a simplifica­tion of complex situation with no clear answers. Some authoritie­s regard Italian Sparrow as a distinct species which occurs in Italy and some other parts of the Mediterran­ean. Others consider it a stable hybrid between House Sparrow and Spanish Sparrow, showing intermedia­te characters between these two species. And others still consider that there are ‘real’ Italians (eg in Italy) and identical looking hybrid areas of ‘ Italian’ Sparrow elsewhere. It is a confusing state which perhaps explains why it is not currently a bird which is on The British List, as recognized by the BOU. Perhaps the best we can suggest is that your bird is a ‘possible Italian Sparrow’.

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