Bird Watching (UK)

Four skuas


There are four species of skua which occur in the UK each year. Two breed: the big, butch Great Skua and the elegant Arctic Skua. The other two are scarce birds seen on passage. Separation of the smaller three species can be tricky, especially with younger birds, and ID is complicate­d by the birds appearing in more or less distinct colour morphs, meaning there is considerab­le variation. Here we illustrate just adults or near adults (in pale morph for the smaller species). To identify younger birds or dark morphs flying at sea, consult the field guides or search online…

Great Skua

The largest skua and the easiest to identify. It is roughly Herring Gull sized and though superficia­lly looking like a juvenile gull (particular­ly a large one), it is much darker plumaged and has obvious white flashes in the dark wings which beat more powerfully than any gull, giving a sense of power and menace! The tail is short with a just about impercepti­ble central projection.

Arctic Skua

Intermedia­te among smaller skuas (and most numerous), the Arctic Skua is less deep chested than the Pomarine with a clean contact between the dark underwing and white flanks/belly. Small white wing flashes, very limited on upper wing. The upper breast band is similar to the Pomarine Skua’s. The central tail streamers are long, thin and pointed.

Pomarine Skua

The largest of the three smaller species, and mostly found as pale morphs, Pomarine Skuas look deep chested and adults have smudgy ‘contact’ between the dark underwing and the white flanks/ belly. The upper breast band is more or less ‘complete’. Small white wing flashes, but also show on upper wing. On birds with intact tails, the tail streamers are long and ‘spoon-shaped’.

Long-tailed Skua

The smallest, most elegant of the skuas, adult (pale) Long-tailed Skuas are distinctiv­e and not hard to identify. The flanks and lower belly are continuous­ly dark with the underwings. White wing flashes are tiny and just the outer shaft of upper wing. The upper breast band is absent. Tail streamers are very long indeed, considerab­ly longer than those of Arctic Skuas.

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