Bird Watching (UK)




HIGHLIGHTS: The White-tailed Lapwing remained at East Halton. A Richard’s Pipit was at Frampton Marsh (1st).

A Red- breasted Goose was at Butterwick Low (9th-12th), before relocating to Frampton Marsh (13th-14th) and Gibraltar Point (27th-31st). Ring- necked Ducks were at Baston and Tallington. A Glossy Ibis at Middlemars­h Farm (2nd), was presumably the bird that was later seen at East Halton (15th), Saltfleet (19th), Freiston Shore (21st) and Chowder Ness (29th). A Black-throated Thrush was found dead in Lincoln (4th). A Black Brant was at Butterwick Low (11th).

FRAMPTON MARSH: Highlights included three Hen Harriers (5th), the overwinter­ing Little Stint, a Spotted Redshank (1st), Short- eared Owl (1st), seven White-fronted Geese (13th), three Twite (13th), a Tundra Bean Goose (14th), Cattle Egret (14th), Spoonbill (15th), Long-tailed Duck (17th-30th) and five Water Pipits (23rd). Freiston Shore had 14 White-fronted Geese (1st-12th), a

Hen Harrier (9th) and eight pale- bellied Brent Geese (15th).

GIBRALTAR POINT: There was a Bean Goose (2nd), Ring- necked Parakeet (2nd), Lapland

Bunting (4th), Short- eared Owl (4th), two Merlins (4th), a Great White Egret (4th), Hen Harrier (6th), White-tailed Eagle (13th), Long- eared Owl (16th), two Bramblings (23rd) and 31 Snow Buntings (30th). Seawatchin­g highlights included a Bewick’s Swan (1st), Velvet Scoter (2nd), three Great Northern Divers (3rd), a Red- necked Grebe (7th), two Little Gulls (14th) and a Slavonian Grebe (29th).

OTHER SITES: A Shag and Scaup were at Tallington Lakes (1st). Cattle Egrets were at Deeping Lakes (to 2nd), and East Halton (to 16th). The two Great Northern Divers were at Covenham Reservoir (to 16th). Two Lapland Buntings were at Donna Nook (6th). The Purple Sandpiper remained at Mablethorp­e (to 28th). Josh Hedley


HIGHLIGHTS: Stag Rocks, Bamburgh had a Black Scoter (1st-11th), 250 Common Scoters, four Great Northern Divers, a White- billed Diver (9th and 28th), three

Slavonian Grebes, and four Long-tailed Ducks (18th). The Black Scoter, or another, was off Ross Back Sands (23rd), plus nine Slavonian Grebes, 17 Long-tailed Ducks and two Great Northern Divers. A flock of Cranes flew over Alnmouth (5th). Holy Island had two Shore Larks (9th-31st) and a Lapland Bunting (16th-23rd). Big Waters had an American Wigeon (15th-25th) and an Iceland Gull. A Dotterel was at Beal (16th). Colt Crag Reservoir had a Green-winged Teal (18th-30th).

BERWICK: Notable sightings included 95 Pinkfeet over East Ord (1st), with 230 (10th). Four Whooper Swans were at Yarrow Slake (1st). There were 420 Lapwings at New Water Heugh (20th), with 74 Curlews there (16th). Two Whooper Swans were at West Ord. Cocklawbur­n had 74 Sanderling­s, (27th), 84 Ringed Plovers, 16 Dunlin, eight Knot and 22 Turnstones (13th) and 12 Purple Sandpipers (27th). There were 650 Golden Plovers at Scremersto­n Station (27th) and 54 Turnstones at Little Beach, Berwick (18th). Malcolm Hutcheson (Berwick Wildlife Group)


HIGHLIGHTS: A Green Winged Teal was at Buckton (2nd). A Baikal Teal was at Hornsea Mere (9th), before moving to Beverley Swinemoor.

FLAMBOROUG­H: There was a Long-tailed Duck (1st), Caspian Gull (3rd), Velvet Scoter, Mediterran­ean Gull and three Great Northern Divers (4th), a Siberian Chiffchaff throughout, a Glaucous Gull (6th) and Bean Goose (17th).

HORNSEA MERE: There was a Slavonian Grebe, Black- necked Grebe, Smew, Little Egret, Long-tailed Duck, Mediterran­ean Gulls (5th and 16th) and an Iceland Gull (19th).

SPURN: A displaying Great Northern Diver was at Easington Lagoons (21st), with a few more offshore, together with a couple of Long-tailed Ducks. There was a Cattle Egret (10th). The Brent Goose flock peaked at 550 and contained a pale- bellied bird. Five Russian White-fronted Geese were noted. Kilnsea Wetlands had a Hen Harrier, 760 Wigeon and a Caspian Gull (5th).

The Humber held 3,244 Oystercatc­hers and 556 Black-tailed Godwits. The three Siberian Chiffchaff­s remained at Easington STW. The Gas Terminal held three Black Redstarts. A Shore Lark flew over Sammy’s Point (21st), when 23 Snow Buntings were also noted.

OTHER SITES: Slavonian Grebes were at Southfield Reservoir (1st) and Brigham (9th). Two Great White Egrets were near Aldbrough (1st). A Caspian Gull was at Hull (6th). A Waxwing was near North Cave (10th). A Smew was at Tophill Low (30th). North Cave Wetlands had 15 Little Egrets. Three Shore Larks and 80 Lapland Buntings were at Buckton. Ian Marshall (01482 627 446) and John Hewitt (07952 293 060)


BRADFORD: The Great Northern Diver remained at Knotford Nook (to 10th). A Snow Bunting was at Soil Hill (1st). Caspian Gulls were at Redcar Tarn and Knotford Nook (3rd). A Marsh Tit was at Howarth (11th). Ogden Water had an Iceland Gull (13th-17th), and a Ring- necked Parakeet plus four Crossbills (15th). A Great White Egret was at John O’Gaunt Reservoir (15th). A Hen Harrier flew over Rombalds Moor (19th). Keighley Reserve had a Cetti’s Warbler (23rd) and a Water Rail.

Pink-footed Geese included 60 over Shipley (1st), 60 over Howarth (13th) and 25 over Ogden Water (13th). Whooper Swans included 10 at Hewenden (13th) and 30 over Dowley Gap (18th). Two Long- eared Owls roosted near Queensbury.

LOWER AIRE VALLEY: Nine Whooper Swans flew north-west (12th) with 13 dropping in at Leventhorp­e Hall Pond (18th). Almost 900 Pink-footed Geese moved through on seven days. A Common Scoter was on the Main Lake (24th). The Black- necked Grebe remained at the western reedbed. The two Ruff remained (to 23rd), with one (24th). Two Green Sandpipers were at Lemonroyd WWTW. The Great White Egret remained. A Spoonbill (23rd) was our first January record. A Merlin flew through (13th), with another on Leventhorp­e Plateau (30th). A Yellow- legged Gull was at Skelton Lake (18th). Just one or two Water Pipits were noted. Set-aside off Astley Lane (9th) produced ten Bramblings and four Twite. Two Twite were also on the Lagoon Islands (25th). Chris King (Bradford OG) and Paul Morris

 ?? ?? Smew and Goldeneye, North Barton Pits, Lincolnshi­re, January
Smew and Goldeneye, North Barton Pits, Lincolnshi­re, January
 ?? ?? Great Northern Diver, Scarboroug­h, North Yorkshire, January
Great Northern Diver, Scarboroug­h, North Yorkshire, January

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