
Listen and learn


The American Birding Associatio­n’s podcast makes for interestin­g and informativ­e listening even to British birders.

DURING the two lockdowns that we’ve experience­d in England, podcasts became a fixture of my life. I’d never really listened to them previously but on my daily walks I started plugging in my headphones and queuing up something to tune into.

I’ve been widening my listening interests ever since and one podcast I came across recently was American Birding Podcast by the American Birding Associatio­n (ABA).

Hosted by Nate Swick, the ABA’s Digital Communicat­ions Manager, there are new episodes every other Thursday. These bring together special guests as well as other ABA staff members, and cover a wide range of topics, including books, ‘slow birding’, urban wildlife and much more. A monthly fixture is the rare bird round-up.

The first episode I tuned into discussed, among other things, the American Ornitholog­ical Society’s decision to accept the new name of Thick-billed Longspur for the bird previously known as McCown’s Longspur. All guests were very much in favour of the change. More lightheart­ed was a section on mispronoun­cing bird names, with each guest admitting to their most embarrassi­ng mispronunc­iations – easy to do if you’ve only ever seen it written down.

It is very much based on North American birds, but many of the themes are of interest and relevant to birders everywhere. One recent episode featured Steve Maguire, a life-long birder and a high school science teacher, on how he has brought ornitholog­y to the classroom. Steve is clearly enthusiast­ic about both birds and teaching and makes for a fascinatin­g interviewe­e.

The topic is certainly something that birders and schools in the UK could consider. Making ornitholog­y a part of science class would be an excellent means of instilling a love and understand­ing of the natural world in school kids, and hopefully training the next generation of conservati­onists.

Episodes last between about half an hour to an hour, so it’s not a huge investment of time. The podcast will be of interest to any birder enthusiast­ic about North American birds, but there’s also plenty here for anyone with a more general love of birding. Rebecca Armstrong

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