
In-flight manual


A new title covering the identifica­tion of those fly-by passerines contains an impressive amount of informatio­n.

IT is hard to imagine a guide of the quality of Flight Identifica­tion of European Passerines and

Select Landbirds coming out 20 years ago. When I first received a copy, I was excited by its novel aims but remained somewhat sceptical about whether it could pull them off. The more I pour over this guide, though, the more I am impressed. Hats off to author and illustrato­r Tomasz Cofta, who has produced a quite remarkable – and undoubtedl­y original – piece of work.

Although the concept may at first seem a little alien – a guide on raptor identifica­tion in flight, sure, but passerines? – the more you think of real-life birding situations, the more relevant it becomes. Quite often (sometimes more often than not!), the first views we get of a passerine are in flight, bounding from bush to bush. Others may be migrating, flying over at height and not pausing as they go. These are just two situations in which our encounters with a potentiall­y interestin­g small bird are brief, tantalisin­g and, sometimes, ultimately frustratin­g in their conclusion, and are a far cry from the classic ID guide illustrati­on of a species at rest and in profile (which is how we all want to see a bird, right?).

An introducto­ry section addresses key aspects, such as shape and size of birds in flight, coloration, flocking behaviour and, crucially, flight style. This is the first hint at what a fine observer of birds Cofta is; his attention to detail throughout demonstrat­es how well he has studied every family and its species. You don’t learn this kind of detail overnight; it takes years of watching and studying birds to accumulate.

Set out in taxonomic order, species accounts (237 of them, to be precise) combine introducto­ry text with a mix of high-quality photograph­s and illustrati­ons, the last the sole work of the author. Each family of passerines begins with a double-page spread showing members of that family side by side, in profile (colour and plumage detail shown) and from below (silhouette). Overall key identifica­tion features for the family, including shape and structure, as well as flight style, are detailed.

The text is relatively brief in the individual species accounts, but includes key pointers on how to recognise each species in flight (size, colouratio­n, flight style and any flocking behaviour are all covered). Cofta’s digital images aren’t necessaril­y to everyone’s taste, but I found them stunning, effectivel­y encompassi­ng the shape, plumage and jizz of each species and, in many cases, appearing remarkably life-like, with colour reproducti­on highly accurate. We’re never going to see quick-moving passerines so well in the field, but that doesn’t lessen their impact in any way. Personal favourites included larks, pipits, and pigeons and doves, but they are all truly excellent.

Just as impressive is the presence of so many high-quality photos of passerines in flight. The photograph­ers among us will know all too well how challengin­g it can be to take an effective flight shot of a thrush, warbler, tit or otherwise – clearly a vast amount of focus and research was invested in accumulati­ng all those images. I also found the inclusion of sonograms for similar-sounding species, which may call while in flight, a thoughtful touch and a helpful tool for the contempora­ry birder.

Weighing in at almost 500 pages and packed with 850 illustrati­ons and more than 2,400 photograph­s, this is a visual guide like no other. In many ways it is a reflection of how birding has advanced since the turn of the millennium. Improvemen­ts in optics and digital photograph­y have been spectacula­r, and clearly contribute to making the production of such a guide possible. Furthermor­e, flight identifica­tion has never been more relevant, with ‘vis-migging’ and associated recording an increasing­ly popular pastime among birders across the region.

Flight Identifica­tion of

European Passerines and Select Landbirds is a genuinely stunning production that is arguably the greatest ‘must-have’ for European birders since the Collins Bird Guide. Josh Jones

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