
The UK’s biggest nature challenge?

- ■ Sign up at www.wildlifetr­­StayWild.

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual nature challenge. It has become hugely popular and can involve millions of people. It’s simple enough to take part: just do one ‘wild’ thing each day in June.

The Wildlife Trusts call these Random Acts of Wildness (well, you have to I suppose), whether it be litter-picking (a massive challenge just now), watching birds (easy), finding six or 10 butterfly species, identifyin­g trees, or hoverflies – whatever takes your fancy.

The Wildlife Trusts offer a free postal or digital pack including an activity passport (can you get in a pub with that?) and a wall chart to record your efforts. The idea is to raise awareness while making you feel happier and healthier, which it certainly will. Rob Hume

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