
Crossbill calls change with time


ANALYSIS of 20,000 recordings of crossbills has rewritten the understand­ing of variation in the species’ calls, revealing changes in vocalisati­ons over time.

Crossbill calls have long been a subject of fascinatio­n for ornitholog­ists and birders alike, with the existence of specific population­s, or ‘call types’, discovered in the

1980s. Different call types are identified by a unique combinatio­n of flight and excitement calls, learned by a fledgling from its parents and generally staying with the bird for life.

A number of ornitholog­ists have categorise­d these call types since the 1990s, but discrepanc­ies between the vocalisati­ons for call types described by different researcher­s prompted a team from Germany to seek an explanatio­n for the variation.

The team, led by Ralph Martin from the University of Freiburg, gathered in excess of 20,000 recordings of crossbill flight and excitement calls made between 1962 and

2019. Adopting the latest classifica­tion of call types, they looked at eight Crossbill call types, as well as incorporat­ing Parrot, Scottish and Two-barred Crossbills into the analysis.

Any deviations from the defined call type were recorded, then all recordings were scoured for similar calls to capture the most exhaustive range of call variations possible. The team also looked at whether call types were influenced by each other, including checking whether call type ‘N06’, a Crossbill call type found in northern Britain and Ireland, was influenced by the irruption of continenta­l call types.

By conducting this analysis, the researcher­s found that flight calls varied over time in all crossbill species included in the research, with the exception of Two-barred Crossbill. Excitement calls showed less temporal variation, this only being significan­t in ‘N06’ and Scottish Crossbill.

They said that their results suggested that several of the call types categorise­d in earlier works were in fact ‘snapshots in time’, but were unable to prove a reason for the temporal variations.

However, the team suggested that the phenomenon might be due to different population­s influencin­g each other during periods of contact driven by the irruptive movements crossbills are well known for.

Noticeable call variations were found to have taken place over the space of just 5-10 years and across distances of more than 10,000 km, showing rapid cultural evolution in crossbill vocalisati­ons and putting forward a new understand­ing of the fascinatin­g birds’ call types.


Martin, R, Rochefort, J, Mundry, R, and Segelbache­r, G. 2023. Fast cultural evolution of Crossbill (Loxia spp) calls in the Palaearcti­c. Ibis. DOI: ibi.13253

 ?? ?? Crossbill call types are not as fixed as once thought, according to researcher­s in Germany.
Crossbill call types are not as fixed as once thought, according to researcher­s in Germany.

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