Birmingham Post

Midlands ‘should be like Scotland or Wales’ for BBC

MPs call for region to get similar status to nations

- Graeme Brown Head of Business

MPS have urged the BBC to make the Midlands its principal focus after ministers from Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland teamed up to negotiate the new charter.

With the corporatio­n’s royal charter up for review, ministers working in all three devolved administra­tions have joined forces to ensure they are given a formal role in the key talks.

But it comes against a rising tide of pressure on the BBC to address investment in the Midlands, where it reinvested just 8.5 per cent of the £942 million raised by licence fee payers in this region last year.

By comparison, Wales enjoyed an 84 per cent return, while Northern Ireland saw a 71 per cent return and Scotland 61 per cent.

Speaking after talks with her counterpar­ts from Wales and Northern Ireland, Scotland’s cabinet secretary for culture, Europe and external affairs Fiona Hyslop, said the BBC was “failing to meet the expectatio­ns” of viewers in Scotland.

The group has vowed to push the BBC to take a more representa­tive approach to commission­ing, talent developmen­t and production from and for all the nations and regions.

But Solihull’s Conservati­ve MP Julian Knight, who was previously a BBC reporter, said the Midlands should be the prime focus for the broadcaste­r.

He said: “Obviously they need to represent themselves but the reality is that we are the ones who have the real BBC funding crisis.

“It seems that the BBC’s focus when it comes to regionalit­y is on the nations, rather than on the English regions.”

He added: “This is where the focus should be. It should be approached like the EU does with ‘objective one’ areas – where it says there is an area of economic deprivatio­n. When it comes to the BBC, we are the area of economic deprivatio­n.”

Labour Selly Oak MP Steve McCabe added: “We have got to get the Midlands region properly recognised in the same way. Unless we are going to have direct input into the negotiatio­ns, they are going to carve us out. It has happened before and it will happen again.”

Negotiatio­ns over the BBC’s next 10-year charter are currently taking place. Ms Hyslop said it needed “positive reform”, not “excuses for cuts”.

She made the comments after meeting Northern Ireland culture minister Caral Ni Chuilin and Welsh deputy minister for culture Ken Skates.

In a joint statement, they said: “It is right and proper that the devolved government­s should each have a critical role to play in the charter review process and we welcome the fact that the UK government has committed to us having clear, agreed and equal roles in developing the new BBC charter.”

The three administra­tions agreed they will work together to:

Hold the Government and the BBC to account for the continued delivery of the public service broadcasti­ng principles on which the BBC was founded.

Ensure each devolved administra­tion


The BBC’s focus when it comes to regionalit­y is on the nations, rather than on the English regions

is guaranteed a formal, consultati­ve role in developing reviewing and agreeing the new BBC charter.

Ensure the Government and BBC provide for a truly representa­tive service to all the communitie­s, regions and nations of the UK.

Ensure the BBC’s clear obligation to provide services for all of its communitie­s, is fully met in relation to both English and indigenous language broadcasti­ng. Push the BBC to take a more representa­tive approach to commission­ing, talent developmen­t and production from and for all the nations and regions.

Culture Secretary John Whittingda­le has said the review would look at whether the broadcaste­r should continue to be “all things to all people” or have a more “precisely targeted” mission.

The BBC has already indicated it will be responding to the UK G o v e r n m e n t ’s green paper on broadcasti­ng in due course.

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Midland MPs are pushing for fairer funding for the BBC in the Midlands
> Midland MPs are pushing for fairer funding for the BBC in the Midlands
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Julian Knight MP
> Julian Knight MP

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