Birmingham Post

Muslim campaigner­s playing extremists at their own game


AFTER the negative publicity around Trojan Horse, terror-related arrests, racially motivated murder and the various marches of the English Defence League it was great to see a national politician recognisin­g the good work going on in Birmingham to build community relations.

The visit of Home Secretary Theresa May to a gathering of those involved in the grass roots battle against extremism in general and the rise of ISIS in particular served to highlight that it is up to all of us to challenge the politics of hate and division.

It will have come as a surprise to some of the Islamophob­ic brigade that there are groups like Upstanding Neighbourh­oods fighting the ISIS propaganda on its own terms.

The extremists’ use of social media such as Facebook and YouTube to groom a new generation of adolescent followers in their own bedrooms is well known.

Upstanding Neighbourh­oods uses the same tactics – its Say No To Anjem Choudary and Say No To Isis pages now have thousands of followers.

Their videos are as edgy and hard hitting as those put out by the extremists. Of course we may never know how many people they reach or affect, but if they stop even one family being torn apart by the hateful ideology of ISIS then they will have succeeded.

Birmingham born and bred former Crown Prosecutio­n Service chief and anti-extremism campaigner Nazir Afzal pointed out earlier this year that it was the Muslim communitie­s themselves who must tackle the problems and protect their children and teens, not only from radicalisa­tion, but also drug abuse, sex abuse and gangs.

He warned parents not to assume that because a youngster is studiously quiet in their bedroom they are out of harm’s way and called for better leadership from community elders.

Well, at the Custard Factory Home Secretary Theresa May found a packed room of grass roots activists – groups like Odara, the Kikit Drugs Project and the Muslim Women’s Network – not only taking on the hate and division, but helping build bridges and giving people the confidence to stand up for themselves.

It was refreshing that, as a national politician with a profile to keep up (and long term leadership ambitions) that Ms May did not come to Birmingham to preach.

Instead she offered the briefest introducto­ry speech before spending her time talking to the various groups.

She did say of the groups: “Their work is vital because tackling extremism is not something that Government can do alone.

“We must work in partnershi­p with local people and communitie­s to challenge those who spread hatred and intoleranc­e. Together we can defeat extremism.”

Not only does it give encouragem­ent to those on the frontline of community relations in Birmingham but we hope that their contributi­on has played its part in the developmen­t of the Government’s forthcomin­g antiextrem­ism strategy.

IT seems like an age ago (autumn 2013) that discussion­s over the Birmingham Developmen­t Plan began – and now there is yet another stage of public consultati­on concentrat­ed on the proposals for 6,000 homes and a large factory on Sutton Coldfield’s green belt.

Whether or not the developmen­t is sustainabl­e will depend very much on the provision of transport links, schools, health centres and jobs.

A single road link and bus services will not cut it – the Sutton Park rail link needs to be reopened – while the developmen­t plan makes it clear that a secondary school and perhaps two primaries are required.

The planning system is loaded in favour of developers – property and constructi­on have a crucial role in the national economy after all – so it can be reasonably assumed that the green belt developmen­t will be allowed.

So the next big row will be over who is going to pay for the supporting community infrastruc­ture.

The Sutton Park line has been on Centro’s to do list for decades but there has never been enough money.

The developers will be building and selling homes at Sutton Coldfield’s hefty prices.

But even with a requiremen­t to make about a third ‘affordable’ (ie 80 per cent of the market value) they remain beyond the reach of many.

They should be the ones paying for all this.

It is up to all of us to challenge the politics of hate and division

IWAS once told of a theory that despite his undoubted talent and ability, the reason the Birmingham City Council leader has never gone onto Parliament or national politics was because of his name.

Any MP or high profile figure with the title ‘A Bore’ is offering an open goal to opponents and satirists.

But one wonders what the national media will make of the newly selected chairman of the fledgling Greater Birmingham (all right West Midlands) combined authority – Councillor Bob Sleigh.

He is the right choice at a time when many services are going downhill fast.

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When extremist Anjem Choudary turned up in Birmingham he was met by Upstanding Neighbourh­oods with their ‘Say No To Anjem Choudary’ campaign
> When extremist Anjem Choudary turned up in Birmingham he was met by Upstanding Neighbourh­oods with their ‘Say No To Anjem Choudary’ campaign

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