Birmingham Post

On the road to nowhere


DEAR Editor, The complaints from the freight lobby regarding road congestion (Congestion costing WM economy £1bn, Post, August 20), indicate that we British haven’t lost our love of irony.

The proffered panacea (“more money needs to be spent on roads”) presumably being suggested in the heart-warming belief that with just one more (final?) road-building push we will transform our ever more populous19­th century Midland townscapes into some kind of spacious, Los Angeles-like mega-city.

While I hate to shatter people’s dreams; the reality is that we’re in a transport mess currently not because of ‘inactivity’ of our transport policymake­rs – the criticism levelled in the article – but precisely because of their decades-long faith in lavishing resources, almost exclusivel­y, on the myopic demands of the roadlobbyi­sts. It is humbling to compare our overcrowde­d, shambolic transport systems with those of the more efficient European cities with which we compete.

Across Germany, Holland and Scandinavi­a we can see the benefits of years of long-term serious multimode transport and city planning, with real cash behind it, that has delivered diverse, fast and safe travel choices at all levels from blanket low-speed zoning for school kids and local commuting, to wide, wellconnec­ted bus and light rail networks flitting commuters cheaply across the breadth of their cities; all this in turn reducing dramatical­ly the proportion of private car usage clogging roads and delaying valuable freight movement.

Meanwhile, our own policy-makers have gifted us Midlanders the most car-dependent conurbatio­n within the most car-dependent country in Europe, with the added bonus of

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