Birmingham Post

Fitting tribute for forgotten

- Mike Lockley Features Staff

AN AUSTRALIAN man has bought a new grave for a forgotten war hero after two historians tracked down the soldier’s last resting place.

Mike Inskipp has no blood ties to George Gough, from the former pit village of Norton Canes, Staffordsh­ire.

But he decided to pay for the Commonweal­th War Graves Commission memorial after hearing of the meticulous detective work carried out by Richard Pursehouse and Lee Dent, of Great War group The Chase Project.

The pair have spent months searching for the missing pieces of Driver Gough’s life.

It was a journey that led them to his broken grave at St James’ Church cemetery, in Norton Canes.

Mr Inskipp has funded the gleam- ing new gravestone as a tribute to his grandfathe­r, who served in the same company as Gough.

“George Gough was in the same field company as my grandfathe­r Harry Penton,” Mr Inskipp said. “Harry was also a driver, and they would have worked down the same pits locally.

“It’s what my grandfathe­r would have done if he was still alive, and what he would expect me to do.”

Richard and Lee have left stone unturned in their search George Gough’s story.

That search has uncovered three local memorial plaques bearing the trooper’s name – and eventually his broken grave.

“The grave was discovered nestled under the shade of a mature tree, the marble cross having snapped from the base,” says Richard. Although the cross was laid respectful­ly in front of the base, we were saddened by what we found.

“Such a personal tribute would not have been easily affordable to George’s widowed mother and siblings.”

Richard and Lee discovered how and when George died, details of his pre-war life – and even an account of his funeral.

They also found his name on plaques paying tribute to The Fallen.

One, a huge oak memorial, is at Norton Canes Academy, one can be found inside St James’ Church, and there is another one at The Ancient Order of Foresters’ Cannock base.

The Order provides policies covering sickness and death. Brother George Gough’s policy paid out £10 on December 18, 1915, for the funeral grant.

The forgotten soldier is forgotten no more.

Before the war, George Gough had worked as a ropeman – a man who maintained and repaired rope haulages – at the Conduit Colliery in Norton Canes.

He was the youngest of four brothers and in his spare time trained with the 2nd North Midland Field Company, Royal Engineers of the Territoria­l Force, forerunner to the modern day Territoria­l Army.

One of the conditions stipulated by George’s employer was that, if the miners wanted to work in his pits, they had also to join the Territoria­l Force.

In the early hours of August 4, 1914, the 2nd North Midland Field Company arrived at Brownhills railway station from their annual training camp and were met by a cheering crowd of friends and relatives. With their band as vanguard, the sappers marched from Brownhills down Watling Street and into the village of Norton Canes.

They enjoyed an early morning pint at the Railway Tavern before, reluctantl­y, marching to Norton Hall.

Here, they were advised that further orders would follow shortly.

The wait was not a long one because at 7pm every drill hall across the country received a War Office telegram to mobilise. The country was at war. The 2nd North Midland no for Field FOR detectives Richard and Lee, one of the biggest surprises was the plaque kept at Norton Canes Academy.

“With our interest piqued by the story, we made an impromptu visit to Norton Canes Primary Academy,” he says.

“We asked if the school had a memorial plaque, or a record, of former pupils from the Great War.

“The staff were very helpful and not only confirmed that there was a memorial but also agreed to let us see it.

“Presuming it might be a small plaque on a wall or similar, what we encountere­d was simply stunning.

“It is a huge, polished oak memorial, nearly three metres high by two metres wide.

“At the top are words in gold lettering, ‘Norton Canes Boys’ School roll of honour, past scholars who fought in The Great War 1914-1918’.

“The caretaker explained that the plaque, which was kept safe in a passageway, was taken out and placed in front of the assembly on November 11 every year, and the children informed of the sacrifices Company travelled to France in March 1915, as part of the first full Territoria­l Force Division to arrive on the Western Front. George went to France as one of 41 “drivers”, working with horses, not mechanised vehicles.

After a settling-in period, the two county regiments – The South Staffordsh­ires and the Prince of Wales’s Own (North Staffordsh­ire) Regiments – found themselves in the French coal mining area of Loos (prophetica­lly pronounced “Loss”) in late 1915.

The slag heaps and lift cages of the Loos mine shaft dominated the surroundin­g countrysid­e.

Driver Gough, as part of the 2nd North Midland Field Company, Royal Engineers, was attached to the North Staffords.

Both regiments fought at Loos and suffered terrible losses because the German machine guns and defensive positions had not been neutralise­d by British artillery due to a woefully inadequate supply of shells.

The 1/5th battalion North Staffords formed the first wave of men and, of the 700 who went “over the made by former pupils.

“Inscribed on the plaque are 264 names in four indented columns. There are small red crosses next to 27 of the names, which the base of the memorial explains as ‘Killed In Action’. ” top”, barely 200 returned unscathed. Most of the casualties happened within the first ten minutes.

According to a local newspaper report, George was wounded in August 1915, during the build-up for the battle.

Shot through his right shoulder, his spine was shattered and he was paralysed from the waist down.

He was transferre­d by hospital ship to England but died of his wounds at Gosforth Military Hospital, Northumber­land, on December 9, 1915. He was only 22 years old. At the request of his widowed mother Eliza, of Hednesford Road, Norton Canes, Driver Gough’s funeral took place at St James’ Church the following week.

He was buried with full military honours, the procession comprising of a 20-strong contingent of sappers from the Royal Engineers’ depot at Smethwick and 42 soldiers of the 10th Battalion Leicester Regiment from the nearby Cannock Chase Reserve Centre camp.

As the funeral cortege arrived at the gate of the churchyard, it was met by the church choir, the Rev JB Pimblett (the rector), and the Rev Joseph Booth, His Majesty’s Chaplain to the Forces. As the service ended, the Dead March from Handel’s Saul was played by Mr JP Underwood, the master of Norton Canes Boys’ School, which is today Norton Canes Academy. Other teachers were also present, along with many senior scholars.

“Varying newspaper accounts state either ‘several hundred’ peo-

Such a personal tribute would not have been easily affordable to George’s widowed mother and siblings

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