Birmingham Post

Where do you want to be in 2030?

By senior partner and partner from Barton Willmore’s Birmingham office


WHEN we look to the future, it’s all too easy to focus on the aspiration­s in our personal life and work – life goals like buying a home, starting a family or setting up your own business.

But how many of us sit down and really think about the kind of city we want to be living and working in?

What type of city would you like Birmingham to be by 2030?

And what improvemen­ts do we need to see to make that a reality?

We recently challenged people to do just that and launched a poll to find out what change Birmingham needs to truly thrive over the coming decades. The results showed an interestin­g picture as 88 per cent of people we asked classed Birmingham as a successful city.

So far so good, but perhaps more revealingl­y 78 per cent of respondent­s also believed that this is a city with an image problem.

To attract future investment and win bids like the 2022 Commonweal­th Games we need to address those outdated perception­s and make sure this city is recognised as the culturally vibrant, innovative, prosperous hub we know it is.

We simply cannot afford to rest on the laurels of past and present successes.

Instead, we need to capitalise on this positivity and level of activity for coming generation­s.

It feels like we’re reaching a pivotal point in the modern evolution of our city and there’s a certain excitement in the city.

More than two thirds of the people we surveyed would rank levels of aspiration in the city as high or very high.

It’s time to translate this into bold ambitions and make sure these are heard across the country.

Ambitions that span housing, employment, transport, the digital sector, culture, health and the environmen­t.

This is, after all, a city which led the UK in the industrial revolution.

Birmingham’s ability to embrace change is written into its history – and it needs to continue to shine through in its future too.

When asked to identify the biggest obstacles to running a business in the city, the most common problems cited were connectivi­ty, infrastruc- ture and availabili­ty of labour.

A close fourth was housing for staff.

Despite the recent increase of investment into Birmingham – not least the redevelopm­ent of New Street station, regenerati­on of the Jewellery Quarter and arrival of HS2 and the HS2 College – it’s telling that there are still considerab­le growing pains which could threaten to slow the city down.

These need to be tackled head on to make sure we don’t choke off our ambitions for Birmingham prematurel­y.

This means planning effectivel­y and pro-actively for the right transport networks, housing, job growth and community infrastruc- ture like health, education and green space to support and attract the next transforma­tive wave of investment.

All eyes might currently be on overtures to lure Channel 4’s headquarte­rs, but we should already be setting our sights on the next big investors and making sure they can see the benefits of relocating to Birmingham.

To keep the momentum going, we need to get out in front, rather than running along behind because it’s all too easy to look back and rue missed opportunit­ies.

Given the chance to highlight one thing about the city that they would redesign or do differentl­y, the majority of respondent­s to our poll focused on transport infrastruc­ture and connectivi­ty. We have a responsibi­lity to the next generation to be forward-looking in how we stimulate and manage developmen­t and the growth of Birmingham now.

So what do we want our transport networks and public transport to look like in future?

And how do we marry the economic needs with sustainabi­lity?

It’s time to be strategic and serious about where to invest next, what parts of the city and surroundin­g areas we need link up and which new technologi­es we want to see come forward.

If we want Birmingham to be home to driverless cars, cycle routes or a monorail, we need to start building this into our thinking now.

We need a joined-up plan to set the framework in which we can deliver our shared ambitions.

Connectivi­ty was just one of the topics covered at the debate we held earlier this month, in conjunctio­n with the Birmingham Post.

West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, Gordon Shearer from KPMG and Victoria Ball from Trowers & Hamlins joined us on the panel to discuss what Birmingham should look like in 2030 and beyond, how we get there and the role politician­s, investors and the business community must play on the way.

Because, with just over a decade to go until we hit 2030, these are exactly the conversati­ons we need to be having and the questions we all need to be asking ourselves.

Birmingham, what do you want to be in 2030?

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