Birmingham Post

Nurse ‘felt frightened’ after kiss from doctor


A DOCTOR who left a nurse frightened after he held her face and kissed her at Walsall Manor Hospital has escaped with a warning from a tribunal.

Dr Tehseenull­ah Wazir was working as a locum at Walsall Manor Hospital when he put his hands on the nurse’s face and kissed her on the lips.

When she pulled away and told him, “Stop it, we’re both married!” he admitted saying “Come on”, then tried to kiss her again in an outpatient clinic on August 13, 2016. The Medical Practition­ers Tribunal heard how the nurse, known as Ms A, had been left feeling ‘frightened and vulnerable’.

She had become nervous about working with new doctors she did not know very well.

Dr Wazir, who was working as a locum consultant rheumatolo­gist, claimed that the incident was a ‘misunderst­anding’.

He said he had genuinely believed that they were both attracted to each other.

Tribunal Chairman Rob Ward said: “You accepted that your actions were inappropri­ate, sexually motivated, and that they fell seriously below the standards expected.

“Your evidence was that your actions were a ‘misunderst­anding’ on your part and that you had, in effect, ‘misread the signs’. You told the tribunal that you deeply regret your actions and are ashamed.”

Dr Wazir had a warning placed on his medical licence on November 17 for five years. The tribunal agreed not to take any further disciplina­ry action.

A spokeswoma­n for Walsall Healthcare Trust said: “This doctor was never employed by Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust. He spent a short time with us in a locum capacity but this stopped as soon as we were made aware of the allegation.”

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