Birmingham Post

Dogs home boss jailed for stealing £900,000 Charity chief with gambling habit and wife admit fraud

- Richard Vernalls Special Correspond­ent

ATRUSTED boss who defrauded Birmingham Dogs Home and blew £640,000 on an online gambling website has been jailed for five years.

Simon Price, 53, and his wife Alayna, 39, admitted cheating the home in an £894,754 fraud over four years, from 2012.

Price, who admitted 10 offences, and his spouse, who pleaded guilty to five offences, funnelled cash into their personal accounts, leaving the wellestabl­ished and trusted charity “weakened”, a judge told them.

Gambling addict Simon Price, in his role as the charity’s chief executive, diverted cash from legacies left to the dogs’ home, including the sale of a £399,000 house, to feed his escalating habit.

The money had been intended to keep animals “safe and warm”, but Birmingham Crown Court heard how Price spent thousands on gambling, trying to recover ever more cash on his losing bets.

He himself calculated to police that he had spent £700,000 through his account on the Betfair website from 2009.

Fearing his damaging deception was about to come to light, he flew alone to Barcelona, Spain, leaving his wife a note to say, “Sorry, I need to go away for a while – I need time to think”.

However, he voluntaril­y returned to “face the music”, said Judge Patrick Thomas QC, who jailed him for five years.

The judge told him that his actions “while in the grip of a gambling addiction” had “weakened public confidence” in the work of the dogs’ home, damaging its ability to raise the £1.85 million needed each year to keep doors open.

The court also heard none of the money he stole had been repaid and it was unlikely to be recovered.

Mother-of-one Alayna Price, who is seven months pregnant, was spared jail as the judge imposed a two-year suspended term on her after hearing about her personal circumstan­ces.

The couple, of Somerton Drive, Marston Green, Solihull – who have since separated – sat in the dock as the judge sentenced them, with Mrs Price bursting into tears when she heard she would not be going to prison.

As commercial manager of the charity, she funnelled five legacy payments, including one for £150,000, into her personal Lloyds account, blowing the cash paying off credit cards, a loan, and the couple’s wedding in 2016.

In all, she diverted £254,729, but the judge was told she made repayments, one almost immediatel­y after taking the cash, meaning £123,000 was left outstandin­g.

Judge Thomas told her the “dominating figure” of her husband may have led her to the idea initially, but that she did it for her “own purposes”.

He added: “You were undoubtedl­y in a position of trust, otherwise you would not have been able to do it.

“You abused that position of trust in order to steal money.”

But suspending the sentence, he added: “You are sole carer (to a child) and you are pregnant with another child, due in February.

“These are matters no court could conceivabl­y ignore.”

In a statement read to court, charity chairman John Wheatley said: “These crimes against an old, establishe­d charity have implicatio­ns to damage, not only in the present but also the future.” its

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