Birmingham Post

Why all the fuss, asks Desert Rat after honour


A FORMER Desert Rat has received France’s highest military honour... but can’t see what all the fuss is about.

Arthur Ogden was presented with the prestigiou­s Légion d’honneur medal at Solihull’s Royal Star and Garter Homes, a charity that provides specialist care for veterans.

“I didn’t do anything extraordin­ary,” insists the 96-year-old. “I just got my feet wet.” Many others would disagree. To celebrate, the home held a party in Mr Ogden honour. The medal’s accompanyi­ng letter and Mr Ogden’s military CV were read out to staff, volunteers and residents.

The pensioner joined up in 1939 and served as a driver in the signal unit of the 1st Armoured Brigade. His regiment was attached to the Royal Dragoons and served in Europe and North Africa in the Second World War.

“Shelling you can get used to, but not Stukas,” admited Mr Ogden.

During his service in North Africa, he fought at the battle of El Alamein.

As 800 guns began to fire, Mr Ogden recalled: “They lit up the desert sky and the noise was terrific.”

In July 1944, Mr Ogden’s regiment crossed the English Channel into France – the daring campaign that earned him his latest medal. The regiment moved across France into Belgium, Holland and then to Germany where Mr Ogden was involved with the Allied crossing of the Rhine.

A spokesman for the home said: “Arthur remains extremely humble about his contributi­on to the liberation of France.”

Mr Ogden added: “I didn’t do anything extraordin­ary.

“I just got my feet wet! I was simply doing what needed to get done.

“What happened to me happened to hundreds of others and there is nothing special about my life in the Army.

“I was just a very ordinary soldier who was very lucky!”

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