Birmingham Post

Developers felling trees before permission


DEVELOPERS are hacking down trees even before they have planning persmision, councillor­s have complained.

Cllr Ian Courts, the deputy leader of Solihull Council, condemned those who removed greenery ahead of plans being lodged with the council, arguing trees were of vital importance to the borough.

Cllr Courts, who is also cabinet member for managed growth, said he expected to see those who had taken such steps ensure that they replanted the area. He said: “We all know what happens when there is a nice piece of land. The developer says ‘I like that piece of land, I’ll apply for planning but get rid of those trees first’.

“I’ve seen it happen, even in my own road, where trees are cut right down before any developmen­t even sees the light of day. Can we not do something to protect our trees which make this borough what it is?”

His comments were echoed by members of other political groups, who had their own stories of areas being stripped back.

Cllr John Windmill (Lib Dem, Olton) said that he shared concerns about “the destructio­n” of a site in advance of an applicatio­n. He said: “I have an instance in my own ward, where an area has been cleared of trees, a planning applicatio­n has gone in, the views from the rear gardens of surroundin­g properties have been shattered quite frankly.

“Of course with conservati­on areas you have to give notice of the removal of trees. But to suggest that every tree in the borough should [have a Tree Preservati­on Order] I think is beyond most local authoritie­s.

“So it really needs the Government to concentrat­e on a few mundane things and see what they can do to change some of the aspects of planning law.”

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