Birmingham Post

Suspension for Labour official after tweet on Jews


LABOUR has suspended its most senior official in the West Midlands after he was accused of sharing racist material blaming Jews for “all the wars in the world”.

The party has launched an inquiry into Mohammed Yasin. His role included working with MPs and candidates in 59 constituen­cies across the region to help them run campaigns.

An investigat­ion by the Sunday Times found that Mr Yasin, who has no connection to a Labour MP with a similar name, had shared a series of anti-semitic posts and conspiracy theories on his Twitter feed, which has since been removed.

Mr Yasin reportedly shared a post with a quote from the actor Mel Gibson saying: “Jews are responsibl­e for all the wars in the world.” Gibson has apologised for the comment, which he made in 2006.

The post showed two people laughing at the suggestion that anyone else could be to blame for wars, with a caption reading: “when someone tells me it’s not the Jews”.

Mr Yasin also reportedly shared a post showing a rabbi next to the words: “Goyim [non-Jews] were born only to serve us. They have no place in the world — only to serve the people of Israel.”

And he reportedly shared a video on the “Rothschild­s, the world’s most wicked and wealthiest family”.

The Sunday Times also reported that he praised a Zimbabwean cleric, who said same-sex acts were “filthy” and “wrong”, as “one of the finest Islamic scholars of our time”.

A Labour Party spokesman said: “We don’t comment on staffing matters.

“We take all allegation­s seriously and fully investigat­e them in accordance with our rules and procedures.”

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