Birmingham Post

World will be there for us after Brexit


DEAR Editor, I voted to come out of the EU because I don’t want some faceless officials in Brussels or Strasbourg telling my country what we can or can’t do.

What I can’t understand is the Remainers have had rallies, waving their EU banners as if they had won the referendum, while the winners of the referendum have been strangely silent.

Isn’t it about time for the leavers to hold a big rally in London and all the big cities, to tell the Remainers that no matter what they think or do they lost and that should be the end of it?

Many MPs have let us down badly and they have gone against the will of the majority of people who put them into parliament.

Take Scotland as an example. Their fishing industry has been decimated by the EU and yet the SNP wants to remain, which will mean further restrictio­ns of their catches.

If the UK comes out of the EU, the rest of the world will be there for us to trade with.

P Simms, Quinton, Birmingham

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