Birmingham Post

Policeman acquitted over dog bite

- Arun Lal News Reporter

APOLICE officer has been acquitted of carrying out a racially motivated attack after his bit a traveller at an illegal gypsy

dog site.

Pc Paul Birch, 50, was accused of unlawfully and maliciousl­y causing grievous bodily harm to 37-year-old Andrew Cash.

Prosecutor­s claimed the attack was racially motivated after Birch used the word “gypo” as he called for back-up on his way to the scene.

But a jury was told to return a not guilty verdict on the basis there was not enough evidence to convict the West Midlands Police officer.

The direction from the judge came on the third day of Birch’s trial at Birmingham Crown Court.

Jurors had been told how officers had been responding to a report of roof tiles being stolen from North Worcesters­hire Golf Course on September 4, 2017. Around 30 travellers had set up camp at the venue in Northfield and police arrived to find Mr Cash and his wife Bernadette being abusive to members of the public.

The court threatenin­g bystanders


Mrs Cash resisted arrest while her husband stood in front of the police heard the couple were to “cut the throats” of and calling young girls and looked “like elbow an officer”.

Mr and Mrs Cash later admitted obstructin­g a police officer but Birch was also hauled before a court after his animal bit Mr Cash on the leg.

The unemployed Irish traveller had claimed Birch had a “look of evilness in his eyes” as the dog attacked and he was dragged for several metres while he “begged for mercy”.

Pc Birch, of Birmingham, denied the offence and was cleared of the charge.





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Pc Paul Birch
> Pc Paul Birch

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