Birmingham Post

Whole tide of opinion to get on with Brexit

- Russell Luckock

FOR the last fortnight, I have been on a cruise ship listening to my fellow passengers’ thoughts on Brexit in general and MPs in particular.

These travellers were slightly different than many, in as much as they were all over the age of

50, so it was experience­d views that I was hearing.

As I expected, there was a fairly even divide between Leavers and Remainers, but with a definite difference, namely, that both sides of the argument want Boris Johnson to get on with it.

Remainers are just as sick of the long drawn-out debate as Leavers. Both sides just want to see the job done such that Parliament can get on with running the country and sorting out a host of problems that have arisen over the last three years, only to be dropped into the pending tray.

Few views seemed to have changed, although I listened to many criticisms of the way Mrs May had been disgracefu­lly treated by Brussels.

There were also sharp words uttered on the role played by the Republic of Ireland, and comments about our then Prime Minister. Several took the view that it would be commercial­ly beneficial for the Republic to also consider leaving Europe, for this would, at a stroke, solve the Ulster problem.

The general consensus of opinion was that if somebody was going to sort it, then Boris is the man for the job. The passengers that I listened to just wanted the whole matter put to bed as quickly as possible.

There was almost complete agreement that the last thing that was wanted was a General Election.

It was felt that the time to take a considered view was three years down the track. By then, providing Boris gets through the next two months, the country would be able to judge whether going it alone had been a good idea to leave and reward accordingl­y.

It would also be the right time to remove or keep MPs that had failed to keep faith with the instructio­ns of their electorate, for theoretica­lly, they are supposed to represent all their constituen­ts.

Russell Luckock is chairman of Birmingham pressings firm

AE Harris

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