Birmingham Post

Fitness is important but I’m to go back to pole dancing


deforestat­ion, coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef, and of course plastic pollution,” she adds.

The only downside is absences from the family. “It’s really tough being away. I explain to the kids I have to go and we count the number of ‘breakfasts’ I’m away for. I do call but more often send them messages that can be played to them, rather than randomly ringing when they might be busy or tired.

“Zena’s more introvert and shy and I think she feels it a bit more when I’m away. When I call, she sometimes gives me the silent treatment. It’s really hard but when I’ve been away, I usually get a break with them afterwards.”

While work may sometimes be unpredicta­ble, she recognises the importance of routine. “Both my partner and I have quite intense schedules – I’m away for work a lot and so is he – so routine’s really important in our house, and whoever’s in charge follows the routine.”

Having children later in life – she had her son when she was 42 – has its advantages, she notes. “I’m much more sorted as a person now than when I was younger, and I certainly don’t have any yearning to go out partying ‘til late. I did all that years ago. Also I’m mindful that around 7am, my kids will be up and breakfast needs to be in cereal bowls. It’s far better to be awake and fresh to face that,” she says, laughing.

“I adore being a mum and hope it’s made me a better person, because you want to be the best you can be when you’re raising children for the next 20 years.”

Fitness is key to keeping up with three active youngsters, but since the surgery Julia has stopped exercising on the pole she had installed at home, so she could pole dance for fitness.

“I’m too scared to go back to the pole at the moment as it’s too demanding, so I’ve taken up tennis and continue going to the gym and yoga. I’ve realised that with such a busy life, switching off is important for my mental health and wellbeing, so nowadays I read a lot and I’ve taken up meditation.

“I’m trying to work on relaxing – something I find difficult – taking time out so I have periods of calm and can recharge.”

Enjoying the outdoors is also key to her contentmen­t. “Connecting with nature’s vital and particular­ly important for children. Research has shown that three-quarters of UK children spend less time outdoors than prison inmates. That’s awful and so sad,” says Julia.

“I see the difference in my own children when they’ve been outside playing – they’re happier and more relaxed. I’m pretty tough about insisting on it, no matter the weather.

“I’m at my happiest when we’re outside all together. A memory I’ll treasure is when, in the pouring rain, we went out in waterproof­s to roll down a hill, have a leaf fight and look for slugs. It was magical.”

Turning 50 next year holds no fears. “Ageing doesn’t bother me at all. I’ve had such a wonderful, brilliant time in my 40s, with great work and having my children – the greatest gift,” she says.

“The only reason I’m conscious of time and age is because we mark all their milestones – first tooth, first day at school – and it all seems to be whizzing by so fast.

“Being with children keeps you vibrant, sharp and active – because you have to be to keep up with them!”

Julia – who’s been open about “struggling” when she was in her

30s, and seeking therapy as she dealt with career issues and endometrio­sis – adds: “My focus is giving my children a solid foundation, so eventually they go out into the world as independen­t, self-sufficient, well-adjusted people.

“I’m very aware of the mental health problems young people face nowadays, and realise you have to try to equip children to deal with life’s challenges. It’s not about being happy all the time – it’s about helping them understand how to deal with the knocks, the losses and the down moments too.”

 ??  ?? Julia Bradbury is passionate about enjoying the outdoors
Julia Bradbury is passionate about enjoying the outdoors
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