Birmingham Post

Detective fired for drink driving

- Staff Reporter

ADETECTIVE constable with 23 years service has been sacked after he was caught driving at more than double the drink-drive limit on the M5.

DC Vincent Cope, a West Midlands Police officer based in Sandwell, was breathalys­ed on June 20 after he was stopped on the motorway.

A profession­al misconduct hearing held at Lloyd House on Tuesday and chaired by Chief Constable Dave Thompson, heard DC Cope was found to have 85 milligramm­es of alcohol per 100 millilitre­s of breath – the legal limit is 35 milligramm­es.

The officer was convicted of driving with excess alcohol on July 12 this year after he pleaded guilty

in court. He was fined £500 with £135 costs and a £50 victim surcharge. He was also banned from driving for 20 months.

Dave Hadley, from the Police Federation, represente­d DC Cope.

He told the hearing, the police officer was “thoroughly embarrasse­d and ashamed and wished to apologise to the force, the Chief Constable his friends and family.”

He said he accepted his conduct had breached acceptable standards of profession­al behaviour.

Mr Hadley said: “In 2009 DC Cope was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes and had really struggled with it over the years. The force have been supportive.

“But the diabetes-related problems and the breakdown of his marriage in 2018 as well as the financial burden and high workload has meant his mental health suffered.” Mr Hadley added: “He didn’t tell anyone about his alcohol dependency because he was embarrasse­d although he did engage with recovery and Alcoholics Anonymous.

“The night before he had been drinking and he didn’t believe he was over the limit but the previous day’s drinking must have topped it up.

“He is thoroughly embarrasse­d and ashamed and wished to apologise to the force, the Chief Constable his friends and family.”

Mr Hadley told the hearing that DC Cope never drank while at work and tried to perform his role to the best of his ability.

“He has 23 years service and just couldn’t leave on a whimper,” he added.

“He wants a second chance to repay the years West Midlands Police had problems.

Chief Constable Thompson adjourned the hearing for ten minutes and when he returned he said police officers were expected “to maintain public confidence and maintain high standards”.

He found there was ‘high culpabilit­y’ in the case and was ‘extremely unacceptab­le’.

He said: “In this case the risk to the public for drink-driving is selfeviden­t. He has taken responsibi­lity and has years of good service and good character references.”

The Chief Constable added: “It’s very clear that he was faced with very tough personal issues.”

Dismissing DC Cope without notice, he concluded: “It’s incredibly sad as you’ve been a very good officer but I believe public confidence has been breached.”

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Former police officer Vincent Cope
> Former police officer Vincent Cope

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