Birmingham Post

School stunned by death of teacher


TRIBUTES have been paid to an “irreplacea­ble and inspiratio­nal” teacher who died after getting into difficulty while swimming.

Emma Bennett, a science teacher at The Polesworth School in Tamworth, encountere­d difficulti­es while doing open water swimming at West Midlands Water Ski Centre in Cliff Lakes, Tamworth on August 12.

She was airlifted to Queen Elizabeth Hospital in Birmingham but did not regain consciousn­ess and her life support was switched off on August 20.

Ms Bennett, from Lichfield, joined the school as a newly qualified teacher (NQT) in 1993.

Head teacher Maura Favell said: “The Polesworth School is mourning the tragic loss of Emma Bennett, a much-loved, trusted and respected friend, colleague and teacher.

“During her 26 years at our school, Emma earned the welldeserv­ed reputation as an inspiratio­nal teacher who was always seeking ways to support each and every student so that they were able to fulfil their potential.

“Emma was a force of nature and a force for good. Her personalit­y was infectious. She was joyful, mischievou­s and an extrovert.

“Emma enjoyed nothing more than playing practical jokes on her colleagues and friends and her nature was such that she loved it when they played pranks on her. She simply loved life.

“Polesworth students absolutely loved being taught by her. She engendered a true love of her subject through her innovative ways of teaching and her high standards and expectatio­ns.”

Ms Bennett held many positions of responsibi­lity at the school.

She mentored other NQTs, led the post-16 science curriculum offer, researched potential new courses and was an examiner. However, her primary responsibi­lity was to the students and staff she cared so much for.

Mrs Favell added: “As a school and a community, we are grieving our loss.

“We will support and guide each other and we will ensure that Emma Bennett’s name continues.”

She said the school would close on the day of her funeral, September 13, so that staff, students and parents could pay their respects.

Mrs Favell added: “Emma is irreplacea­ble and Polesworth will never forget her or her joie de vivre.

“Rest in peace, Emma, you are greatly missed.”

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Emma Bennett, was a science teacher at The Polesworth School
> Emma Bennett, was a science teacher at The Polesworth School

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