Birmingham Post

City council has overpaid staff £250k in past year


DOZENS of Birmingham City Council staff were overpaid last year, leaving the authority having to claw back nearly £250,000.

Some cases concerned people who had left the organisati­on but continued to be paid due to managers failing to inform payroll properly. In 2018/19 there were 30 salary overpaymen­ts worth more than £3,000 each with a combined value of nearly a quarter of a million pounds.

They typically occurred due to failures to record absence, reduction of hours worked, accumulate­d long-term sickness, maternity leave or contract terminatio­ns. The overpaymen­ts were revealed in the council’s annual fraud report, which said: “The circumstan­ces surroundin­g each overpaymen­t have been investigat­ed to verify that the payments were not fraudulent and appropriat­e management action has been taken, particular­ly in respect of any code of conduct issues where it is establishe­d the employee has failed in their duty to report the fact they were being overpaid, or where managers have been negligent in their responsibi­lities.

“It is disappoint­ing overpaymen­ts are still occurring on such a regular basis, particular­ly when they arise as a result of managers failing to input a terminatio­n date when an employee leaves, as this means payments continuing after the employee has left and requires additional resource in raising a debt to recover the overpaymen­t.”

The report was presented to the Audit committee on Tuesday, prompting Cllr Meirion Jenkins (Cons, Sutton Mere Green) to call for the responsibl­e managers to be penalised. He said: “If somebody forgets to tell payroll one of their staff has left let’s take the money back off the defaulting manager and I think you’ll find that compliance will swiftly improve.”

Council auditor Neil Farquharso­n stated recommenda­tions were often made to directorat­es to take further action against managers but ‘in the vast majority of cases no action is ever taken’.

Cllr Jenkins asked whether people were obligated to repay money overpaid to them. In response Mr Farquharso­n said: “It’s a contractua­l obligation on the part of the employee to report any incident where they know they have been overpaid.

“Where we have cases where employees have been overpaid for a period of time and our investigat­ions determine they probably didn’t know, clearly the overpaymen­t is recovered over a longer period of time.”

The council’s corporate fraud team were notified of 109 ‘potential irregulari­ties’ in 2018/19 relating to a range of issues but not including applicatio­n-based fraud such as council tax exemption claims. Payroll/recruitmen­t related-fraud accounted for 38 cases.

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