Birmingham Post

0 out of 10 for modesty, Ms Swinson

- Russell Luckock Russell Luckock is chairman of Birmingham pressings firm AE Harris

SO, the Liberal Democrats have re-trimmed their ship, setting sights on staying within the EEC and totally ignoring the instructio­ns of the electorate to leave, so clearly stated in the referendum. I find this very strange from a party that has the word “Democrat” in their title. To me, it does nothing to reverse my deteriorat­ing opinion of politician­s.

Then again, I find it very strange that the Lib Dem leader, Jo Swinson, not yet 40 years old, sees fit to express her opinion that Boris Johnson is totally unfit to be Prime Minister, and Mr Corbyn, well, he is also the wrong person to lead the Labour Party, and that she will never work with either in some form of coalition government in the future should the opportunit­y or necessity arise.

Now all this is from an MP who has never held any form of Government office and has little real experience of the real world in which the rest of us live. In the Westminste­r bubble, she is not unique, but I am not at all sure that her pronouncem­ents will help her party at the ballot box in the forthcomin­g General Election.

Jo Swinson went on to make it very clear at her party conference that she was the ideal person to be Prime Minister, and that her party were going flat out to win the said election and form a Government.

Well, in my book, Ms Swinson gets 0 out of 10 for modesty as she makes her bid for power, and I am sure that bookmakers may well offer very long odds on her ambition being achieved, and said people are never very generous!

In blunt terms, her party, along with others, has undemocrat­ically refused to obey the express wishes of the electorate as so clearly stated in the referendum, plunging the UK into political chaos.

Although I have many criticisms of Boris Johnson in terms of honesty, integrity and the inability to get facts right, he is at least trying to obey the instructio­ns of the electorate, something that Jo Swinson does not appear to understand, in keeping with the words obedience, let alone, modesty.

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