Birmingham Post

I haven’t just gone over to the dark side – my work was never all pink and fluffy... Bestsellin­g author Adele Parks talks to HANNAH STEPHENSON about resisting ageism, embracing the life you’ve got and shaking off the ‘chick lit’ tag


ONCE branded one of the ‘chick lit’ brigade, Adele Parks is much happier to be sitting firmly in the ‘domestic noir’ section of bookstores these days. The chatty Teesside novelist – who has had a string of internatio­nal bestseller­s, averaging a book a year since her first novel, Playing Away, was published 19 years ago – has long insisted her work should not be branded pink and fluffy.

“People have said to me, ‘You’ve gone so dark’, but actually all of my books have included difficult circumstan­ces. I’ve had lots of heroines who are quite unlikable and unsympathe­tic – I’m just pushing that more,” she says.

“But in the past, the ‘chick lit’ thing happened because of how you were branded. If you were a woman writer, you immediatel­y fell into the chick lit category irrespecti­ve of what you were writing. As time has moved on, people have realised that’s not particular­ly helpful.”

Indeed, Adele’s earlier book jackets, often featuring a pair of sexy legs in stilettos against soft purple or pink background­s, belie a lot of the serious subject matter within the novels themselves, which includes family turmoil, theories on love, parenting and fidelity.

As an ambassador for The Reading Agency and a judge for the Costa Book Awards, as well as being a bestsellin­g author in her own right published in 26 languages, Adele is clearly a major talent.

She says her writing has changed as she has aged.

“As you get older, you are perhaps a little bit less flippant. My earlier books were quite humorous and the characters were less concerned about consequenc­es. As I’ve got older, from the beginning the characters are saying, ‘Actually, this is probably going to go wrong’. That brings more depth and darkness to the subjects and the greater level of threat.”

Adele turned 50 this year, and is excited about the decade ahead.

“I think ageing is way better than the alternativ­e. Getting old is a privilege. Dying young sucks. I’ve never had a problem with ageing,” she shares. “In my 30th year I got my first book deal, in my 40th year I changed publishing houses and got a brilliant deal and we moved houses, and now I think, ‘Ooh, what’s going to happen in my 50th year?’ I find it kind of exciting.

“If anything, I’ve upped my game,” she continues. “I’ve joined a gym, which was health-based. There are a lot of things you can avoid if you exercise more. With my clothes, I was determined not to slip into ‘Beigeville’ and stop caring how I looked. There’s a lot of ageism in our country, particular­ly towards women, whereas men get to be seen as wiser.

“Women are tricked into believing we are no longer useful or at our best – and we should resist that.”

Adele’s 19th novel, Lies Lies Lies, is centres on Daisy and Simon, who are trying for a second child. But with fertility problems, IVF attempts and his alcoholism, things spiral out of control in their relationsh­ip, and then an accident changes both their lives forever.

Adele is a mother – to son Conrad, 18, from her first marriage. Was it a conscious decision to only have one?

“Yes and no. I had my son with my first husband and then we split up. Then when I met my second husband, I felt I was kind of done. I already had one and didn’t want anything more complex than that.

But if you’d asked me that when I was 25, I would have thought that I’d have more than one child,” she says.

“My husband (Jim, a website designer) was very happy with that decision. He didn’t want any more children. He met Conrad when he was a tiny toddler and he is his dad and we’re done. We were establishi­ng our relationsh­ip and by the time we got married, if I’d had another child there would have been such a big age gap. I didn’t want that.”

She admits she went through the whole biological ticking clock experience, however.

“I had Conrad when I was 31, which was perfect, but when I got to 45, I thought, ‘Oh, I think I’m done’. That was when I stopped looking back and thinking, ‘Is it a possibilit­y?’ I didn’t grieve over it. I’m a practical person who takes responsibi­lity for my own decisions. I have a terrific child, who I’m super proud of.

“I’m close to my nieces and nephews and so we have a very young full-house and my son always has friends around, so I didn’t feel a huge lack, but I totally understand that many women do.”

Was she nervous about bringing a new man into Conrad’s life?

“No. I split up from my first husband when Conrad was 10 months and I met Jim about five months after that.

“He was very much dad from the get-go. The difference for us is that we were a family from the get-go. We weren’t really a couple and then a family.”

Fertility struggles isn’t something she went through herself, but it’s a subject that resounds in so many people’s lives.

“Nowadays, I don’t know anyone who isn’t aware of this situation. We are having our babies later. I have a number of very close friends who have had infertilit­y issues and I’ve seen the effects of IVF, both when it’s fantastic and exciting and I’ve also seen the heartbreak of how many attempts you might have before you get the successful result – and some people just don’t get the result they’re hoping for,” says Adele.

“It’s a shock to all of us when it comes to trying to have babies or planning a family, because some of us are very lucky, but it’s one of the things in life that we can’t control.

“If your raison d’etre is to be a mother and that seems impossible, it’s truly heartbreak­ing.”

Today, Adele writes in a converted bedroom at her home in Guildford, Surrey, and is as discipline­d as any office worker, doing set hours, five days a week. She already has two further domestic noir books planned, but despite darker subject matter she still likes happy endings.

“My writing is relatively uplifting, I hope. There’s dark and shade but there’s light as well,” says Adele. “I don’t want my readers to feel worse after the experience.”

Lies Lies Lies by Adele Parks is published by HQ, priced £7.99 paperback, £5.99 ebook, £12.99 audiobook.

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