Birmingham Post

We need to look at basic economics


DEAR Editor, Some writers to this page have recently started asking for one good reason for being in the European Union. I may be a cynic but it seems to me that this is the last thing that they actually want. There is a mass of informatio­n out there for those whose minds are not already closed to argument.

Putting aside paranoia, prejudice and misplaced patriotism, I think that we need to look at basic economics. It is generally accepted that an economy inside a large, free trade area will grow faster than if it was outside. This is because when home industries are not protected by tariffs or other barriers they need to become more productive through greater efficiency, innovation and control of costs and restrictiv­e practices. After the formation of the Common Market in 1957, it became clear that this was happening. This is why, after refusing to join at the start, we were begging to be admitted by the early 60s.

You can find lots of material online referring to how much faster our GDP, and therefore our economy, has grown since joining in 1973. Unfortunat­ely, ardent Leavers and Remainers both overstate their case somewhat but the general consensus is that we are between ten per cent and 25 per cent richer as a nation through being part of the European Union. Nobody, outside a padded cell, argues that we are poorer.

I also have a second reason for being a member, which appeals greatly to me, if no one else. It enrages the (mostly foreign) billionair­e owners of our right-wing press who have been lying to us about the European Union for the last 30 years.

Bob Barnes, Shirley, Solihull

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