Birmingham Post

Demolishin­g flyover will be ‘worth the disruption’

Roads boss says traffic will be displaced in short term

- Graham Young Staff Reporter

THE city’s top roads boss has admitted that demolishin­g the Perry Barr flyover will lead to traffic being displaced.

The flyover will be demolished later this year despite an outcry from locals and politician­s. Roadworks on the A34’s nearby Birchfield Road underpass also began this week that will halve the capacity of the dual carriagewa­y in both directions for six months. But Cllr Waseem Zaffar said the council was trying to reconfigur­e driving habits across the city via a government-backed,

Covid-19 powered Emergency Transport Plan to introduce a series of Low

Traffic Neighbourh­oods (LTNs).

Both Kings Heath and his own Lozells ward are being divided up into four LTN cells to force drivers heading somewhere else to drive all the way around the edge of each quarter rather than along “rat run” side streets.

The Labour cabinet member for transport and the environmen­t hopes that restrictin­g access to and from those side roads will see a sharp reduction in the number of “short” journeys that locals often make on their home turf.

Even if he only halves that figure, Cllr Zaffar is convinced it will result in a cleaner, safer environmen­t for all while not impacting on the trade of local businesses.

But Cllr Zaffar admitted the decision to knock down the Perry Barr flyover near to the One Stop Shopping Centre on the A34 would send traffic over towards Lozells where he’s trying to keep cars away with the council’s ‘People and Places’ initiative he’s currently promoting.

Lib Dem leader Cllr Jon Hunt (Perry Barr) condemned the move, saying: “The demolition of the Perry Barr flyover will have a devastatin­g impact on the local economy and access to jobs just as people are trying to get back to work over the coming months. If Cllr Ward wants to regenerate Perry Barr he needs to work with the local community not against it.” Members of the A34 Safety Action Group last year failed in their applicatio­n to the High Court to seek permission to apply for a judicial review of the city council’s A34 Perry Barr highway improvemen­t scheme.

Cllr Zaffar admitted he expects Lozells to bear part of the brunt of the traffic displaceme­nt.

He said: “During the period of the project there will be issues on the neighbouri­ng areas to the

Perry Barr flyover which is the bridge to the One Stop Shopping Centre. A lot of my constituen­ts think that the Perry Barr flyover starts from the Aston Six Ways Island, but it doesn’t.

“There will be displaceme­nt during this period of time.

“We are working very hard with key partners such as the bus operators, Transport West Midlands, to mitigate that as best possible.

“But the result of moving that flyover will mean a better flow in and out of the centre for private cars, better bus priority, segregated cycling lanes... and better walking facilities.

“So the benefits of this particular project hugely outweigh the short period of time we will get in terms of displaceme­nt. I am very confident we will deliver this project before the Commonweal­th Games arrive here.”

 ??  ?? Birmingham City Council is pressing ahead with the demolition of the Perry Barr flyover despite opposition
Birmingham City Council is pressing ahead with the demolition of the Perry Barr flyover despite opposition
 ??  ?? Cllr Waseem Zaffar
Cllr Waseem Zaffar

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