Birmingham Post

Google ‘must clamp down on scam ads’


A STRONGER clampdown is needed to tackle scam adverts appearing on Google search results, according to Which?.

The consumer group said it had found fake ads for debt help charities and financial firms.

Which? found search results for common saving terms such as “top Isa”, “best bonds” and “best fixed rate bonds” contained dubious adverts for “investment finder” services encouragin­g people to fill in their details.

One victim lost £160,000 after clicking on an ad for what appeared to be an Aviva investment scheme. Despite trying to make sure the website was legitimate, they ended up speaking to a fraudster. They were reimbursed under a banking industry code which protects blameless bank transfer scam victims.

Jenny Ross, Which? money editor, said: “Despite introducin­g new measures to vet those advertisin­g financial products or services, the grace period is a glaring loophole and we are calling for Google to remove this delay for advertiser­s in high-risk industries. It should also introduce clear and transparen­t labels for ads listed by unverified advertiser­s.”

A statement from Google given to Which? said: “Protecting users from ad scams and fraud is a key priority. To more effectivel­y prevent predatory financial ads in the UK, we now require certain advertiser­s promoting financial products or services to complete our business operations verificati­on programme.

“This will allow us to gain more informatio­n about the advertiser­s’ identity, business model and relationsh­ips with third parties so users can trust the ads they’re seeing.”

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