Birmingham Post

Not one fine for littering in borough


NOT a single fine was issued for dropping litter in Solihull last year, it has been revealed.

The council has confirmed that there were no fixed penalty notices (FPN) given in 2020/21 despite 77 having been dished out in the previous year.

The figures were highlighte­d by Solihull Green Party, which claimed the borough is facing “an epidemic” of rubbish.

The council blamed the dramatic collapse in enforcemen­t action on Covid.

It said this had delayed the roll-out of a “successful pilot” which had targeted litter and dog fouling in the town centre.

A spokesman said: “The decision was taken in the light of the coronaviru­s pandemic to prioritise our limited resources on public health first and foremost, with the pandemic taking priority.”

The council confirmed that a new contract, which will see uniformed wardens patrolling hotspot areas, is due to start in the autumn.

This is intended to build-on the 2019 trial, which handed parking ticket-style powers to a private firm for the first time.

A spokesman added: “To address concerns about potential increases in litter in the borough as we come out of lockdown and to reduce the impact of litter, a new patrolling and enforcemen­t contract has been put out to tender.

“They will be there to educate and support local initiative­s on litter as well as being able to issue fixed penalty notices.”

Currently it is not compulsory for town halls to enforce littering legislatio­n.

But Cllr Mark Wilson (Green) said he was keen for action ahead of the “eyes of the world” being on Solihull during next summer’s Commonweal­th Games.

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