Birmingham Post

It seemed odd my life would be on screen



HAVING lost everything in the recession, a sixty-something woman embarks on a journey across the American West, living in her van.

She finds temporary and seasonal work, including at an Amazon warehouse, and discovers a community of other people living off the grid and on the road, from whom she learns survival and self-sufficienc­y skills, as well as a new appreciati­on for living. This is the story of Nomadland, the Oscar frontrunne­r and recent toast of the Baftas, where it was named best film and director Chloe Zhao became only the second woman in history to win the directing prize.

Starring Frances McDormand as Fern, it was adapted from Jessica Bruder’s bestsellin­g nonfiction book Nomadland: Surviving America in the Twenty-First Century, about the rootless community in the US. Many of the nomads in the book also feature in the film as different versions of themselves. Among them is 65-yearold Bob Wells, who after a divorce and the death of his son, found solace in a life on the road and has been a longtime proponent of transient living.

“They captured it perfectly,” he says earnestly. “And so I’m watching my life on the screen. And it just seemed so odd that my life would be on the screen, although it’s Frances as Fern living it. But my first reaction was ‘Wow, they caught this. That’s the way we live.’

“There are a few principles that nomads live by. First, things are a burden. If we all started to think things were a burden, our lives will be far better, our world would be far better. If we all started to think about generosity first, that I need other people and they need me... “We lived nomadicall­y for millions of years and these were the principles. I need you tomorrow to help me with the hunt, so I have to take care of you today.

“If we just adopted some of these... travel is good, seeing the world, making bigger thoughts other than my own little tiny circle. If we would just adopt those simple ideas, everyone’s life would be better, the world would be better.”

While Bob was excited to be in a film with a double Oscar winner (McDormand won for both Fargo and Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and is the favourite to win again on Sunday), another of the real-life nomads featured in the film, Charlene Swankie, had no idea who the star even was.

Charlene, 78, an experience­d kayaker who has been living on the road for more than a decade, was more concerned about getting an

It was like I was the movie star... that she was the fan. It blew my mind... Charlene Swankie on meeting Frances McDormand

operation on her shoulder than about starring in a film.

“I’d never seen any of Frances’s movies, her name meant nothing to me,” she says frankly as she chats from inside her van. “I told Chloe, ‘I can’t, I don’t know what you’re talking about, I don’t know who those people are. I have to make my shoulder number one priority. And I don’t have a surgeon, I don’t have a date, I don’t have a place to stay.’ “I said I had to figure all that out... ‘I don’t know what your schedule is like, or when you’re going to film or anything.’

“She said: ‘We’ll work around it.’ And I went: ‘Whoa, they want me bad enough they’re going to work around my schedule?’ All right, I’ll do it.”

The first time she met Frances was at a recreation of the Rubber

Tramp Rendezvous, the largest gathering of nomads and van dwellers in the US, founded by Bob. “I didn’t know her from any of the other nomads there,” Charlene says. “Somebody said ‘That’s her over there.’ I remember she had these Farmer John bib overalls on and I thought, ‘Well, we’re gonna work together tomorrow, I should go say hi, that’s the polite thing to do.’ “I walked up and I tapped her on the shoulder and I started to say ‘I’m Swankie,’ and she turned around and looked at me and went ‘Swankie!,’ she got all excited and she grabbed me and took me away from the crowd so she could talk to me.

“It was like I was the movie star, I was the famous person that she was the fan of and it blew my mind, I’m just standing there speechless. “I said ‘I’m sorry. I don’t know who you are. I’ve never heard your name before. I’ve never seen any of your movies.’

“And she said it didn’t matter. I think that she likes just fitting in and being one of everyday normal people, instead of being a star. And she liked that we treated her as an equal.

“It must be nice for people that famous to have normal time just being one of other all the other people.”

But when she finally saw the film,

which is part neo-Western, part elegy, it was a bizarre experience. “I didn’t get the movie for the longest time,” Charlene says. “Because what’s in there is just my normal life. There’s nothing exceptiona­l about it. Nothing really unusual about it. To me, it just seems perfectly sane and normal. Everybody doesn’t feel that way.

“I had to watch it a number of times. And it was the second time I saw it on IMAX and I said ‘I think I got it now. I understand where Chloe was going with this.’

Bob is hopeful the success of the film might attract new people to the nomadic way of life, or at least to offload some of their mountains of material possession­s.

“It’s not an all or nothing life,” he says. “It’s not like you have to leave everything and move into a van and just run away.

“You can stay in your house... just start taking trips and you can have most of the advantages of living the nomadic life, but with hardly any other disadvanta­ges.

“So wherever people are, they can start right now and their life would be a lot better.”

Nomadland will be released on Star on Disney+ on April 30 and will be in cinemas from May 17.

Bob Wells follows a nomadic lifestyle as portrayed in the movie
ART IMITATING LIFE: Bob Wells follows a nomadic lifestyle as portrayed in the movie
 ??  ?? FROM LEFT:
Frances, Charlene Swankie and Linda May
FROM LEFT: Frances, Charlene Swankie and Linda May
 ??  ?? GREAT TEAM: Frances with director Chloe Zhao
GREAT TEAM: Frances with director Chloe Zhao
 ??  ?? AWARDS TIP: Frances McDormand,
AWARDS TIP: Frances McDormand,

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