Birmingham Post

Folly good find is a turn-up for the books

Discovery covered in teeth and bones found in garden

- Mike Lockley Staff Reporter

AHOMEOWNER has uncovered an 18th century Gothic folly in the garden of the home where he’s lived for 25 years.

John Bostock, 62, had been tidying up his garden ahead of moving house when he made the incredible discovery.

The striking, 12ft ornate brick structure is decorated with oyster shells, bones and teeth from cows and sheep and includes windows and an archway at the front.

It is believed to date back to the mid-1700s when aristocrat­s built decorative follies as garden features to admire from the main house.

Experts told Mr Bostock a ‘‘woman of the house’’ may have used the grotto to relax.

The perfectly-intact back yard folly in leafy Edgbaston, Birmingham, is just half a mile away from one of the city’s most famous landmarks, Perrott’s Folly.

It was said to be the inspiratio­n for JRR Tolkien in his writing of the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Father-of-five Mr Bostock, who lives with his wife Deb, 57, said: “We knew something was down there but not on this scale. I couldn’t believe the condition it was in.

“We have been in the property for 25 years, but the garden had become a bit overgrown and it was covered in ivy. I started to do some clearing and removed the ivy from it to uncover it then one thing led to another.

“I realised it was something I had to showcase.

“It was a bit of the garden we left to run wild and there is wildlife like badgers down there. It was left to nature until now.

“I didn’t really know what it was so I got my daughter-in-law to take some photos which we put on social media.

“All of a sudden we could see the numbers going up and they were generating a lot of interest.

“Then we had a couple of people come up to the house, one from the National Trust and a local historian.

“As soon as they looked at it I knew it was something special because they were gobsmacked.

“They said in all their years visiting historic gardens in Birmingham they had never seen anything like it.

“They were amazed how well preserved it was on the outside and that some of the bricks looked Georgian although the wood bits inside have been lost to time. They estimate it is from the mid1700s but they need to do more research because there is still a lot of stuff to uncover.

“I had no clue how old it was. I’d always thought it was something imitated from history and had no clue how much actual history is there.

“It was amazing to find on our doorstep and just a mile away from Birmingham city centre.

“We think it is something that other people need to see and that it needs to be protected.”

Mr Bostock, who works in digital engagement, is selling the six bedroomed house and had already accepted an offer before realising the folly was on his half acre plot.

The grandfathe­r added: “The house is up for sale and an offer is in, but I’m a man of my word.

“I must admit it’s hard to leave it because we are attached to the property, but the folly is going to a good home and the new owners will look after it, I’m sure.

“The experts are still researchin­g to try to find out what it was for.

“They’re saying like other follies it is quite likely it was a secluded area to go down to relax and maybe the lady of the manor would go down there for a bit of peace and quiet.

“So there is a health and wellbeing element to it which is very timely in these days and people do seem relaxed in this sort of space.”

National Trust senior gardens adviser Pam Smith, who visited the building, said: “I’ve been in Birmingham 24 years and I think this is one of my best days.

“It certainly was a highlight in my career and I’m pleased it has prompted such interest.

“It’s beautiful. Everyone loves discoverin­g something that has been lost and this has been lost for quite a while.

“It’s a privilege to see it in this state, because sometimes when things get restored, they lose a bit of romanticis­m.”

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John Bostock and the amazing folly

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